Yeah, I think the guy knows more about Jungle than anything else. Let me give some more background as to how I think the video is stupid.
I think there are some interesting issues about ownership / copyright related to the record. For example, Spencer has 100% writing credit but it's really sort of a medley of Amen, We're a winner, We're rolling on, etc. (the Winstons had just left as the backing touring band of the Impressions, which is why they had an earlier record on Curtom). Spencer shouldn't really be 100% writer if it incorporates all those old songs. And, who really "wrote" the drum break -- probably the drummer himself and not Spencer. And Spencer clearly doesn't own any of the actual master rights to the metromedia recording. The guy who made the video clearly knows nothing about the difference between songwriter / publishing of a song and the actual master recording, ownership of both, and the complicated ways that both of these things interact with sampling.
The video is very long and the guy spends more time discussing sample libraries that incorporate the track than these more relevant issues. The "ah-men" thing and the pressing the whole thing onto a record and playing it, combined with the fact that he made a very long video that says very little about some complicated issues, makes it over-the-top pretentious.