It's funny, I just got the el corols on rouser in a trade 2 days ago. I never heard the other side before (which is marked the a-side). While I agree with jocko that overall both sides are weak, the a-side is more of a real song and more listenable. It's also uptempo, I don't understand why people don't play that side... probably because chick chick is more danceable or for historical reasons. Also, compared to the tiny release I think it's very different, I think the second label pressing exists probably to release a different version of the a-side and not a slightly edited version of chick chick.
Anyways, to each his own, but personally I would never play the chick chick side but think the other side is okay enough to play on my radio show at least.
re: marvin gaye, I just listened to "not unsual" in this youtube video:
I missed the part where he says he's going to kill it, can you give me the time. What's funny though is in the comments someone says that marvin "killed it" which is the original usage posted by dylan.