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Everything posted by boba

  1. they always sounded like kids to me
  2. I think they're black but I totally don't even remember their race from the pic sleeve the one time I actually saw it (the other time it was on some list). I tried to find an image of it but couldn't.
  3. sorry again for what happened to you george
  4. yeah, but some things are a needle in a haystack. i feel like it's obnoxious if you have put a lot of effort into finding some semi-known thing for your collection and then have it advertised to many people.
  5. agree, total idiots
  6. I personally hate when people post up live ebay auctions that people here might want to bid on. The exceptions are a) really stupid listings, like delusional sellers or overpriced boots b) auctions that have have ended c) well listed holy grail items that people will see anyways so that the posts here won't make a real difference in the price or d) buy it nows. either way, my opinion doesn't matter because nobody is going to add this rule anytime soon.
  7. I have one of these (unless I sold it already). It was mint. Will try to look through the boxes soon.
  8. I just laugh and move on. It is sad if the seller got burned themselves and paid a zillion dollars for the record. it usually just looks like greed.
  9. there are lots of 70s records on RCA that are extremely difficult to find as stock copies with a different b-side (which always seem to be better for some reason).
  10. i have the enith 45 if you want a scan, don't have the accent 45 with or without a pic cover
  11. I don't see the comparison much, the primes record is really messy and muddy (it's good though).
  12. I agree that the record grade is buried in his auctions and hard to find. That seller is a nice guy though.
  13. there is a nice sweet side on this record. the chicago Essence told me there was a name conflict with a girl group, I assume they were talking about this one. They said Red Foxx managed the girl group.
  14. The accent record comes with a pic sleeve. I've seen it a couple times with it but didn't care at the time, now I don't have the accent 45 because I don't want to buy it without the pic sleeve. Their best 45 IMO is Scepter 12115 - walkin' with pride / cooperation. two good sides. Lots of the other stuff is throwaway for me. Let love win is another decent one.
  15. i also never understood how there are multiple versions of ultra-rare records. for example, what about the two young brothers on soul power?
  16. this doesn't look like a bootleg, it looks like a legit reissue (although I haven't personally confirmed the legitimacy of license, etc.)
  17. also, i do buy crap
  18. if anyone has a copy of this on red balloon im interested
  19. does nobody have a sense of humor here? i apologize for posting non-recommendations in this thread. here is a recommendation in the spirit of this thread:
  20. ok i heard it now. it does sound like the same usage dylan brought up. i guess slang goes back farther than you think sometimes and sometimes goes in and out of style. i don't know the history of the word sorry.
  21. also, that sugar boy and shades of black record is nice, i heard a clip of it once before but never heard enough of it to get into it. one more thing on my wants list.
  22. the female one sounds familiar. is it slow or fast and does it sound early 60s, late 60s, early 70s,late 70s, etc.?
  23. It's funny, I just got the el corols on rouser in a trade 2 days ago. I never heard the other side before (which is marked the a-side). While I agree with jocko that overall both sides are weak, the a-side is more of a real song and more listenable. It's also uptempo, I don't understand why people don't play that side... probably because chick chick is more danceable or for historical reasons. Also, compared to the tiny release I think it's very different, I think the second label pressing exists probably to release a different version of the a-side and not a slightly edited version of chick chick. Anyways, to each his own, but personally I would never play the chick chick side but think the other side is okay enough to play on my radio show at least. re: marvin gaye, I just listened to "not unsual" in this youtube video: I missed the part where he says he's going to kill it, can you give me the time. What's funny though is in the comments someone says that marvin "killed it" which is the original usage posted by dylan.
  24. You should have a sense of humor about it, I know a bunch of cases in the thread where people are posting records they recently got, which they are excited about (often because they are good). Of course they also want it to go up in value. That doesn't mean they will though. Like many other collectors I have unknown, good records, often ones that became "in demand" many years after I got them... even if I played them on my radio show. I have no idea what will break in 2012. I'm not part of "the scene" so I don't know or control which records will become popular in 2012. I guess a lot of sweet soul people listen to my radio show so I have a tiny but of control over that but not much. If you look at the past years thread it's always similar, the only ones that people post that break in that year are the ones that are already starting to break when the thread starts..The records that actually become popular seem to be driven by specific DJs playing them, not by how good they are. There are thousands of good, unknown records, so I'm not sure which ones you would want me to list. I'm not saying this thread shouldn't exist, people are posting good obscure records they like which is great. People are enjoying themselves. Just making a comment that they're mostly unlikely to break in 2012.
  25. this thread should be titled: "Name a record you recently got that you hope will go up in value in 2012"

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