people don't seem to understand that paypal and ebay are costs of doing business and result in overall higher profits despite fees. If paypal didn't exist, it would be extremely difficult to do overseas transactions and even local transactions become much more of a pain in the ass resulting in less people buying and lower prices. i know this from personal experience, as when ebay allowed checks and some sellers only took checks I would look for that and if it was just a random record I would skip it. i would only waste my time writing and mailing a check if it was an important record to me, now i buy all sorts of random garbage, even internationally.
ebay exposes your record to a much larger market, usually getting much more money than people would get otherwise. much more than the ebay fees. certain records are best sold off ebay if you have, say, a top DJ to sell to, but most records get much more on ebay.
these should be considered costs of business, not nuisance fees that should be paid by the buyer. if you want to net more money, ask more for your record.