What was crazy was that this nice lady who calls me up once in a while called me last week about the H Andrews record on Balance that I played, she was like "I only heard that once and haven't heard it since." She asked me to play it again. I asked if it was in Chicago and she said yes. How did this obscure san francisco record even get one play in Chicago (the payola capital)?
For the last couple months I have been getting calls from some guy who is clearly just lonely and wants to talk. He's like "do you like old movies? let me play you this clip I found on youtube." But I'm trying to cue records and go on the mic and other people are trying to call and I can't figure out a way to get him off the phone without being rude to him. I just sort of agree with him and don't say anything else. Last week he called up, he was like "I was watching the simpsons, but with the sound down, and listening to the doowop show. It went really good with the show and a lot of the music lined up with it. Does that ever happen to you? Your music is sort of different than doowop, it's like rockabilly versus rock. Does that make sense?" He went on for a while, it was frustrating.
I also get a call from this one dude who just associates my show with "oldies". So he'll request soul but then he also keeps asking for Benny Mardones "Into the night". I can't figure out how to explain to him that that doesn't fit into my show.