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Everything posted by boba

  1. I think 3 members of the MGM group were in the onyx group and that the MGM group was a reformed version of the group. Richie Pitts wasn't a member of the onyx group, but he was a member of the Newtones on Baton, and later the Strangers on WB. I assume the MGM group was a reformed version of the Velours. However, I have no idea what actually happened, maybe there was a Velours group that continuously existed and Pitts joined when on MGM. It doesn't matter that much (to me at least).
  2. my francettes on besche label looks totally different. I have almost all their 45s (as I noted before...).
  3. Yeah, I knew there were other country's ebays, didn't know it was for every country though. I assume they have the same categories but by "what are the good categories" I specifically was asking about things like you just referred to (german made watches). Or like if they had a really good sausages category or something.
  4. the keke / givhan stuff that's coming onto the market now is a label owner slowly leaking them out on consignment at stores.
  5. I honestly am not an expert on bootlegs but it does look like the white label original I have that came from a chicago thrift store.
  6. I think the green thing is just an artifact of the scanning or how he saved the image, not something that's actually on the record.
  7. I didn't even know there was an ebay germany! what categories are good there?
  8. i think he moved to the UK with the fantastics
  9. this is also a vietnam record if you listen to the lyrics.
  10. it violates ebay policy. there's no protection for your purchase. it's a pain in the ass to do. if he wants money orders he can sell off ebay, like on here. before ebay forced accepting paypal, I remember so much wasted time writing and mailing checks, and money orders were 100x worse. I bought way less. There's a reason ebay instituted the policy.
  11. Cynthia Girty told my friend that the Imaginary Three were not the Imaginations. I think she posted on her youtube video or something like that if you want to contact her.
  12. My friend went to high school (I think in Brooklyn, but maybe the Bronx) with Fantastics member Richard Pitts. I think Richard sang lead on the Strangers "night winds" on WB before the velours formed.
  13. He explicitly has in his text "payment by postal order please". He should be reported.
  14. follow the link I posted, it has pictures and titles.
  15. I was gonna post a bunch of things but then I was thinking about how I bought a lot of them to trade / resell so it wouldn't be a good idea to post them here. Here's a bargain i got for myself (I think): marilyn smith stock on sojamm $80 (condition issues on flip side but still a bargain) https://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290671045176#ht_500wt_668 promo copy without flip listed 500 pounds in manship
  16. yeah in general i appreciate everyone who calls, they are so dedicated to the music
  17. chuck jackson also sings the dee ervin song. oh sorry, i see that's mentioned in the first post. I like Tim Brown's lists a lot because there is some stuff that's underpriced -- maybe because he's out of the loop -- but it seems he doesn't care and isn't trying to gouge every last penny out of every record. Although on his last list I emailed him like seconds after I got the list about a couple of items and he told me they were gone. I have gotten other cool stuff for cheap though.
  18. What was crazy was that this nice lady who calls me up once in a while called me last week about the H Andrews record on Balance that I played, she was like "I only heard that once and haven't heard it since." She asked me to play it again. I asked if it was in Chicago and she said yes. How did this obscure san francisco record even get one play in Chicago (the payola capital)? For the last couple months I have been getting calls from some guy who is clearly just lonely and wants to talk. He's like "do you like old movies? let me play you this clip I found on youtube." But I'm trying to cue records and go on the mic and other people are trying to call and I can't figure out a way to get him off the phone without being rude to him. I just sort of agree with him and don't say anything else. Last week he called up, he was like "I was watching the simpsons, but with the sound down, and listening to the doowop show. It went really good with the show and a lot of the music lined up with it. Does that ever happen to you? Your music is sort of different than doowop, it's like rockabilly versus rock. Does that make sense?" He went on for a while, it was frustrating. I also get a call from this one dude who just associates my show with "oldies". So he'll request soul but then he also keeps asking for Benny Mardones "Into the night". I can't figure out how to explain to him that that doesn't fit into my show.
  19. At least someone else likes the Sir Dane and Darius. Everyone I play it for doesn't like it.
  20. Thanks so much. By the way, anyone who wants to be added to my radio show email announcement list, you can PM me your email. Thanks.
  21. that only works for styrene
  22. yes I do, flip is called "I don't know" I guess that's amusingly similar to "unknown".
  23. oh I see you still need the flip of the margo, I might have that too let me check
  24. I do have frankie lucas. Flip is "I want to rock you baby". I have close to all the titles listed now, I'm pretty sure I don't have that hal fisher and one or two of the furys... any maybe whatever 110 is.

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