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Everything posted by boba

  1. I am totally not referring to the female employees in his office or John, there is this hypersensitive confused person on here who attacked me for nothing before. Don't want to bring the whole thing up again, but if you search you can find it or I can PM you a link. Thanks.
  2. where is this listed? it's not on dave rimmer's page. if the answer is "R&B indies" it's probably a relatively accurate listing for that book that they only had one title that didn't exist.
  3. This is what I was talking about, I used to politely tell people how to pack after getting a poorly packed record, it just pisses off the seller and makes you look like an asshole. It doesn't accomplish anything. I probably was blocked from at least one seller for it. Now I tell the seller in my payment if it's a junker or new looking seller. That also makes the seller look much worse if a record arrives cracked.
  4. that hollywood attractions is so good but so hard to find. i've never heard a copy that didn't play with some styrene fuzz at spots though. wish there was a vinyl version.
  5. I think the reason is actually similar to the only "the best" vs. "the worst" thing I mentioned. if a record is decent and rare enough that you don't see it every day, it gets stuck into the 300 pound category. It's a huge category that contains records with huge variances in rarity, quality, and demand.
  6. is it the best record ever?
  7. I've had more than one instance of 45s damaged in that style mailer sent to me (in the US). I don't remember if they were all packed with just 1 45 or more than 1, the ones I can remember there was always more than 1 45 in it.
  8. I wasn't criticizing. Sometimes there's stuff that's obviously wrong, what he wrote about this record isn't really wrong, I was just pointing out a weird chicago-detroit connection.
  9. I agree. It should be like a $100 record in terms of rarity. I like the slow side on the argie and the arketts a lot, and it has a cooler label design.
  10. also, I've said this before, but I don't understand how anyone can expect something sent in those UK envelope things to arrive safely. The funniest thing is that the filler pads that usually come with them are also not rigid at all.
  11. I get bullshit packages all the time, one week I got 3 different cracked records. I used to send a message after getting a poorly packed package (where the record arrived safely) telling the seller that it was not packed well, it was lucky it arrived in one piece, and explaining how to pack correctly. I never got a response ever. On another seller-oriented message board they said that it's pretty obnoxious to receive a message like that after you get the record which I guess is true. Now whenever I buy from someone who is clearly not a professional dealer I send a message with the paypal payment saying the package should be rigid and sandwiched between multiple pieces of stiff corrugated cardboard.
  12. "tell me" is okay. I agree it's not great. I don't understand on this site though how everything is either the worst record ever or the best record ever, there are no good or okay or weak records.
  13. I don't know what it's supposed to mean, it's not important. I wasn't posting to criticize, just give information. Although I'll probably get some dumb response from his lackey now.
  14. I'm pretty sure Irene and the Scotts are from Chicago. It obviously is a Detroit production, but the credits on the record clearly connect it to the Scott Brothers from Chicago. Just pointing out that Irene is probably not a "detroit diva".
  15. The group is from LA. There is a confusing list of exact members in each group, but the Vowels on Lebam, Vows on Markay ("I wanna chance"), and Vows on VIP are all related but none is the exact same group. Some group members had later connections to the Younghearts and Attractions. I think the specific info is detailed in Steve Propes' book about LA Vocal groups.
  16. nobody wins in that situation
  17. Fred Bohn has always been honest with me. You could explicitly ask him if it's a bootleg and if not how he knows.
  18. I just remember my dad watching his show when he was a kid, I remember there was one episode where it was Witches vs. Nazis. I can't tell if that's awesome or so stupid it's not even awesome.
  19. I didn't realize morton downey jr was a recording artist (before his talk show) until recently, he had a bunch of records. I didn't know he had a Stax LP though.
  20. Thanks for your positive comments. But I don't understand what the difference is between the taste of the DJ and what you are hearing, it's one in the same, the taste of the DJ determines what is played. I also think things should be put together in coherent sets. I heard this one radio show where the DJ played some pretty good records but they sounded awful in context, they didn't go together and there was even silence between songs. Anyways, to the OP, pikey's dog recommended a good series of some rare but good soul CDs. Thanks.
  21. and honestly, what answer would have been useful? the question is so open ended it might as well have been asking for obscure songs in any genre.
  22. the crappy record i always find is that dino and the california cafe thing.
  23. IMO it's less stupid than the people who can't find a copy in popsike and say "this has never been on ebay". Once someone did that and I sent them a link to a copy of their auctioned record that finished a week ago. They were like "how did you know that??" and I responded "I look at ebay".
  24. I was not rude and did not tell the guy to tell OVO only. First I explained why some people might be reluctant to reveal lesser known but good tracks. Then I said the people claiming it was illegal to not play "OVO" or whatever were wrong. Then I gave the best possible advice I could give about doing a good radio show, which is to listen to a lot of music to find your own style. I'm not sure what people listing a few random tracks here would accomplish, it's not like he all of a sudden would have a library of obscure northern soul to pick from. I do a radio show, am offering honest advice, and you (Chalky) are acting like I'm being condescending when your response to me is pretty condescending, like I'm the person driving away posters and people from your clubs.

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