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Everything posted by boba

  1. I was the second bidder on the jam-cha record just up, got outbid by a big name DJ. The first one that came up I didn't even bid on because it had a crack. All the jam-cha records sound like crap. I got the west coast distributors for cheap, that record isn't even soul, don't understand the demand for that and glad i didn't pay more.
  2. that's awesome that ebay told you, they usually don't tell you what they will do to other people's accounts. you probably have to ship the record to him in a trackable, provable way, because he's definitely going to do a paypal chargeback on his payment. Actually the best thing to do is just not send it, mark it as shipped, he will do a chargeback as item not received, he will get his money back, and you won't be penalized.
  3. I understood what he did, except I didn't know that he actually paid money for the record, paying just to leave you a negative.
  4. make sure you file a non paying bidder in ebay
  5. sort by date in popsike and look at the trend, it makes more sense after that
  6. R A Pittman is Robert A Pittman. E Cherry is Eddie Cherry. I interviewed Eddie Cherry. The Bricklayers are the same chicago group as the Fads on Mercury.
  7. I don't think anyone was trying to censor responses, I think he was just questioning the point of the same repeated response
  8. when i was in the 5th grade i had a dub of a def leppard tape
  9. I can't find audio of it, but this record really takes "summertime" to another place: https://www.discogs.com/Sojourner-Truth-Summertime-Groove-Me/release/2646006
  10. of course 99% of soul covers of pop songs are garbage. I don't even think they're usually crossover attempts -- they're usually album fillers or 45 b-sides (the ones on the a-side are possible crossover attempts). Lots of pop cover a-sides aren't even crossover attempts, they're covers of pop records that were popular on R&B radio and with R&B audiences. Like everyone loved "make it with you", and there are 9 billion covers of it, but I've never heard a soul version better than the original. I would think this thread is about covers that transform a pop hit (especially a crappy pop hit) into a new, excellent sound. I like the isley's version of summer breeze way better than the original, but it's not really an inherent change to me. But Isaac Hayes 20+ minute version of "by the time I get to phoenix" is totally flipping the original song (like it or not, it's totally different). My favorite rock album of all time is pretty much all covers ... they even make nature boy sound good.
  11. and the two fabulous tempos. it's from richmond va
  12. are you sure it's the same salem? there was a nat brown that recorded in the new york area. do you have a scan?
  13. maybe that's what good about it. not saying the record is bad, just saying that it leaves you wanting more and if it was longer it might not have as much repeat listen value.
  14. if you post your discog i can fill in holes. there's also the fox label which is the same (e.g. ze majestics).
  15. are you sure you're not thinking of the chandlers on col-soul? it's yellow and the foxy label is also yellow...
  16. is it a slow wave across the entire record or a sharp crease in the record. If it's the first case, you should definitely send it to someone with a dewarper machine, it will probably fix it.
  17. I like the "hard forgetting memories" side a lot
  18. Also, if you care, I have two photos of Sonny Thompson that I scanned from Bob Stallworth. Someone had rescued what looked like Sonny's personal collection of promo stuff and papers from a dumpster and given them to Bob. There are a bunch of king / federal artists but no Mary Johnson for some reason.
  19. this is the best I could do (out of 5 tries). Everything is readable.
  20. doing it now
  21. my scanner is broken and puts blue lines on everything. do you want a scan with blue lines? I can also take a photo (my photography skills are possibly worse though).
  22. emailing you re: 7th house... also unrelated, i got the praytells on ebay right when i started looking in like the late 90s, it was an unplayed stock copy from some Japanese seller. I remember getting some crazy things from that seller actually, just oddball stuff and it was before everyone was looking for oddball stuff so it was always $10. At that time the 7th house title was actually sort of around.
  23. whoa, total coincidence, but i saw this age title I'd never seen before and just bought it: https://www.ebay.com/itm/370629274320?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 I actually thought I probably had the whole label but never tried to write down the catalog to check. But I hadn't seen this one. Anyways, if you listen to the sound clips, it sounds like the voice on the Charles McNair records and the writer on this is McNair. Maybe I'm over-hearing a similarity because the topic is up now but it is a distinctive voice.
  24. I wouldn't assume that. But I'd imagine it's at least semi-legit, like the group know about the store doing it
  25. it's a beach group at least. more likely to be legit than that commands 45 they pressed. you could just email them and ask I guess, https://www.waxmuseum.net/ I used to buy a lot of stuff from chris beachley's auction lists and he made me a CD of all the commands 45s for being a good customer. So at least they were big fans of the commands...

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