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Everything posted by boba

  1. I was sure that the Jamo Thomas version was original but now I have no idea. Both records came out in 1966. The song is written by detroit guys, Jamo's was produced in Chicago, Luther's was produced in New York. Anyone have more info?
  2. yeah this always shows up trashed, mike i think you should buy one of george's copies, otherwise you'll be waiting a long time. i've never seen a clean copy actually.
  3. One of the greatest Chicago soul 45s of all time (even though most of the group was milwaukee). There is a weak sort of lame cover of the track by a cali group called the Night Riders from 1979. They should have left it alone.
  4. I have the funk 45 I posted a pic of above, I can try to dig it out and listen to the voice at least
  5. It's not my cup of tea but i figured you would want it for the rarity
  6. here's that rare marvin gaye interview you were looking for https://www.ebay.com/itm/271026122218?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  7. I know someone who might have a copy to sell, will check.
  8. I thought about this once and although it's better than nothing, it's also sort of wasted work, though, given that the way the music is preserved is through low-quality youtube videos, often playing at the wrong speed.
  9. only soul/funk though. lots of different hardcore collectors of expensive private jazz, folk, etc.
  10. Paul Mahwhinney isn't a con-artist, he's delusional. He does not have close to 95% of all the singles released. Any collector of any specific genre who looked at his catalog can tell you that. Also, he might have 3 million singles, but does he have 3 million distinct singles? I know someone who bought a warehouse of 45s, picked through them, and then sold 12 palettes of total garbage to someone for a few thousand and the guy had to haul it away. Don't believe his own hype. I think for a more realistic estimate on what he has, try posting on waxidermy.com, which is filled with a lot of heavy dealers and collectors (not soul oriented though).
  11. It's probably some random thing they put on the record as the band name for this song. A G-Man is someone who works for the government. If Luther Ingram spies for the FBI, he is a G-Man.
  12. If the wand artist is a NY area artist different than Jean Lee, this might be referring to her:
  13. feedback also doesn't matter anymore in terms of how ebay treats sellers, it's all the DSRs.
  14. there's also the issue of artists often not remembering certain things that happened. Did you get a sense of Don's memory of details, e.g., was he really sharp about stuff? "my baby like to boogaloo" was a big hit in chicago btw.
  15. Jimmy Vanleer's cedric is already known for putting out material that at least one artist (don gardner) doesn't remember. who knows what actually went down.
  16. he says she wasn't "the jean lee that recorded for cedric". Even though her name is Jean Lee, the song is the same song as she does (although titled differently), and the voice is identical. I think he just wasn't aware of the cedric record because it is very obscure.
  17. I didn't say that Jean Lee is Brenda based on just speculation (even though it is the same song and the voices match, so it's not out-of-nowhere speculation). I never even noticed it was the same song until someone pointed it out to me like a week ago and had some inside info, I will ask him more details. I think the poster may not have heard the cedric record and just said it wasn't her.
  18. I haven't listened to it in many years, I look forward to listening to their version of that track (I can't at 1am without pissing off the neighbors). Thanks everyone for giving me more info.
  19. Thanks for the info. I think I have that LP, that's the one with the fake audience applause dubbed on?
  20. I think you're making assumptions about how the technology works, I doubt the algorithm depends on no tracks having the same frequency. here's a simple example in another domain. draw a diagonal line with a thick marker on a piece of paper. draw a diagonal line in the opposite direction over the first line, making an X. The place where the line intersects has the two lines overlapping. But you can still look at the X and separate the two components. all of that said, i still don't know how effective whatever much more complicated algorithm they would be using would be.
  21. I know popsike doesn't archive anything. But it used to be a very good archive of a lot of data which seems to have disappeared lately.
  22. yes to the first question (the o'jays did "too sweet to be lonely")? if so, what label did "you're too sweet" come out on and when? Thanks a lot.
  23. I'm confused, the O'Jays did too sweet to be lonely? are you thinking of I'll be sweeter tomorrow?
  24. Also, I think the maze version of the track (which is maybe better, but less folksy) isn't a complete rerecording, I think he reused some of the tracks and added new tracks.
  25. Yellow copies are legit, they are promos. Some gregar titles had one-sided promos but a lot had two sided promos.

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