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boba last won the day on August 26 2013

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  • Birthday September 25

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    rock candy - i don't think i'll ever love another

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  1. News/Article/Feature Highlight: A highlight of a forum post by the late Bob Abrahamian back in 2008 View full article
  2. A highlight of a forum post by the late Bob Abrahamian back in 2008 View full article
  3. Hi. Today on my radio show I did an interesting interview with legendary Chicago soul singer Jan Bradley. Bradley grew up in the Robins, IL, a South Suburb of Chicago. In high school she began singing lead with a local group called the Passions (a male group who later recorded as the Swinging Hearts). While performing at a talent show, Chicago promoter and owner of the Formal record label Don Talty discovered the group. Don decided to keep Bradley as a solo singer so Bradley left the group to pursue her solo career. Talty took Bradley to a show at the Regal in order to meet Curtis Mayfield to try to get material to record. Bradley sang for Curtis and they agreed to meet later to go over potential songs; Bradley decided to record "We girls" upon hearing it. Talty recorded "We girls" and tried to shop it around to major labels, even taking Bradley to United Artists in New York. After he was unsuccessful placing the record on a larger label, Talty released the track on his own Formal label in 1962. The track became a local hit in the Midwest, getting both R&B and pop radio play. Talty released a few more tracks on Bradley on his Formal label without scoring a hit. Bradley again sought out Curtis Mayfield for another track; Mayfield gave her "Mama didn't lie". Talty took Bradley to Missouri where she recorded the record, doing her own backup vocals on overdub (a technique which, although not common in the early 60s, became common on Bradley's 45s). He initially released it on his Formal label where it became a local hit in the Midwest. Chess records picked up the single where it became a national hit. The record had a classic pop-soul feel that typified the Chicago female sound of the early-60s. Due to a dispute over publishing, Chess refused to release any more Jan Bradley records written by Curtis Mayfield, despite Curtis' writing being the key to Bradley's previous hits. Chess released several follow-up records on Bradley, written by Chess staff writers, but failed to score a hit. During this time, Bradley did release the Mayfield-written "Behind curtains", on the Night Owl record label; the track was backed by the Impressions (and later covered by the Five Stairsteps), but didn't have the promotion to get real radio play. After being unsuccessful with the Chess writers, Bradley decided to write her own material. Her first self-written single, "I'm over you", became her next hit record on Chess. Inspired by Curtis, Bradley's goal was to become both a recording artist as well as a writer and producer of other artists. Unfortunately, Talty was mostly unsuccessful placing Bradley's material; her songs were recorded by a few Chicago and Ohio artists. She also wrote the excellent "I'm no Romeo", which was recorded by Billy Stewart on a Chess LP but never released on a single. After recording a few more unsuccessful singles for Chess records, she left the label and Talty to go back to school to pursue a career in counseling in the late 60s. She did cut one more single for the Memphis-based Doylen label in the early-70s, but it was not promoted, and Bradley did not continue with music. Bradley currently works as a counselor, but still enjoys singing in church and songwriting. You can check out my interview on my interviews page at: http://www.sittinginthepark.com/interviews.html as a special bonus for my show, Bradley gave me a photo of herself "sitting in the park", taken by Phil Upchurch in 1965: http://www.sittinginthepark.com/interviews/janbradley-12-28-2008.mp3 thanks for your interest, Bob Site note - The above article was originally posted on soul source by the late Bob Abrahamian @boba back in 2008 as a forum topic. Promoted to an article as felt deserves raised awareness
  4. it is soul/funk as is james brown. did someone list it as "funky '70s crossover"?
  5. I know about louis chachere, he was part of the derbys revue in KC that had marva whitney, the sinceres, the del montes [later the visitors], etc. anyways it's clearly a funk record. it came out on two KC labels before jewel (forte and MJC).
  6. the louis chachere record is still a funk record. is it a jazz-funk record? probably with the hammond and horn arrangement. but it's still a funk record.
  7. people are so greedy to the point of being stupid. someone deciding that they're going to ignore all their buyers for an extra 50 pounds, like the same people are then going to PM again. idiot.
  8. this one is much better than the first one. is that the cabinet of dr. caligari? bizarre.
  9. i respect your opinion, it's not for everybody. but at least it's original and not some rock guy doing fake doowop tracks. terrible is better than mediocre and bad.
  10. will try to later today
  11. i agree with godzilla. james brown was funk and soul. so is the louis chachere clip posted. paul, you're complaining that the seller hasn't correctly described a record within the current temporary micro-genres carved by a scene (which they have no part of) at a specific time? i'm just glad when i get an unknown r&b / soul record and it's not a country record.
  12. maybe he really appreciated it but all that matters is the end product and the reception. i see i wrote "mast" instead of "mask", that was a typo before anyone makes fun of me for that
  13. for the record, ebay grading has significantly improved for a lot of terrible sellers since the advent of the DSRs (detailed seller ratings, the star system). they have been the only thing keeping sellers' status on ebay. ebay is changing it again so that they rate sellers based on returns and refunds, which i think will loosen the grading once again. i don't think anything is new. there always have been conservative and non-conservative graders. you have to look at the listings for clues (e.g. compare the label condition to the vinyl condition and see whether it looks like a "VG+" record). my only observation about US vs. UK graders is that UK graders tend to be either extremely conservative or extremely liberal with their grades while there is a wider range of standards with US sellers. i agree about many sellers using poor packaging but i still can't believe that the standard of mailing in the UK is a thin envelope mailer with a single totally flexible thin pad inside. I've gotten plenty of cracked records from the UK with that packaging. in the last few years i have experienced more US sellers skimping on packaging to save a few cents -- for example, using real 45 mailers but no filler pads, which makes a record extremely crackable in shipping.
  14. it's hilarious to me reading threads like this where the actual record is not specified, i'm like "i have no idea which one you're talking about", but somehow everyone else does so i'm in another world on this message board. like if someone starts a thread "price for gene chandler?" this is not an insult to the original poster so please don't read it as such, i'm just saying i'm lost here.
  15. i can't stand zappa, doing fake versions of other genres, proving how musicially "smart" he is, for an audience that would never listen to the real thing. beefheart is listenable when doing original sounds like on trout mast replica. that said, this track is decent.

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