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Everything posted by Soulhustler

  1. So glad everythig is going to be alright Ken & Claudette
  2. Better still when you know the final closing date we can all turn up for coffee & anoy the public by playing tunes very loud & take over the car parking
  3. The end of an era round our way where else can i get a coffee and chat with Yourself and whoever else just happens to be passing, better than any coffee shop my old mate. By the way see you for a coffee on friday Ken
  4. Purchased mine off Max Milward in the 70's for the princely sum of £4 & have championed it ever since nice to see it get the recognition it deserves. Oh & Neil your not having mine
  5. Well said that man RIP Willie
  6. Not Got Eddie Bo great tune but check out Pat Brown - The good gotta suffer - Severn B Superrrb
  7. ---------------------------- So Remind me who's playing the records then Ken
  8. ------------------------------- We can have a good chinwag and discussion at the next Marrs Bar, i presume your going to be there that is if we don't bump into each other before. PS it's Max's night not mine Keep finding those tunes Ken
  9. ---------------------- Naw Dave restricted to B sides Bit hard to sell the B side with out the A side attached
  10. --------------------------------- Hi Karen it's Ken Think my wife is going to be one of the girls playing so i will try to answer your points, 1/ Time effort & money Well Claude certainly puts money into the collecting as every penny coming into & going out of our house hold is a joint contribution and has been for the last 27yrs. And the effort comes from working long hours!!! 2/ As lawfully she owns half of everything she owns half a collection 3/ Certainly very different to playing Cd's as we only collect original vinyl. 4/In day's past if a friend was trying to break a record i know of many DJ's who played his copy until they found one of their own ,or had a copy cut. Think the cutting of items on tape still goes on? And as to women collectors/DJ's being a joke I THINK NOT!!! you know very well that you command respect from not only myself but numerous others Respect always Ken
  11. So you were paying attention to my spot at the Wulfrun Hall
  12. George Freeman - Down and Out The Dells - Make Sure Geri Granger - I Go To Pieces Pretty much the right order i think Ken
  13. I got Max's coppy that he used to play at the Cats Ken
  14. Another sad loss from the West Midlands, i have fond memories of many nights with Pickle & others from Walsall (Daz,Rod,Stevie,Kenny,Bratty, etc) especially at the Oddfellows & Stafford.Another space on the dance floor. RIP Mate Ken
  15. A true gent with a heart as big as the man was. Mandy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Have to agree i for one will miss our little chats a sad loss for the soul scene, RIP Pedro Ken
  16. Down and Out....George Freeman Pure class my good lady purchased this for me on my 40th How about King Williams - Fight For You're Girl - MGM Lenny Welch - Please Help Me I'm Falling - KAPP Just about as slow as they come Ken
  17. I have been a close friend of Max for longer than i can remember, he even came out of retirement to DJ at my wedding. I only hope the person who tried to destroy not only the clubs reputation but Max's, reaps the benefit of a long lingering death in excrutating pain. Max has over the years been been one of the guiding lights of this scene of ours, & has the respect of many DJ's, collectors & punters from the length and bredth of the country. I am certain that without his contribution this Loved Scene of ours would have died whilst in it's infancy. If the letter came from a rival promoter then perhaps he should review what is on offer at his club, then maybe his numbers would flurish and the need for dirty underhanded tactics would cease. Onwards & Upwards Max Ken
  18. Only just heared the sad news RIP Nige Sad Sad Loss Ken
  19. Not exactly my faves from this era, but still excelent tunes rarely heard these days. Bob & Earl - Baby Doll - Tempe King Williams - Fight For You Girl - MGM Kris Peterson - Just As Much - Top Dog Geno Washington - I'll Be Around - Atac Richard Morehead - Don't Try To Use Me - Aura Ken
  20. Off Topic,Talking of vibrations Scoobies Starting eh! Karen Cause your mine, all mine , mine,mine,mine The Artistics-Hope We Have Larry Laster-Go For Yourself Rock Candy-Alone With No Love The Four Sonics Plus One-Tell Me Your Mine
  21. Just Played It See What You Mean Ken
  22. How about this one!! Ken And another!!! Ain_t_No_Sun_Since_You_ve_Been_Gone.mp3 Ain_t_You_Glad_You_Chose_Love.mp3

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