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John Benson

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Everything posted by John Benson

  1. I like them both also, but Vivilore was always the preferred one for me. I just like the 'Southern' sound of it
  2. I would say yes, you still don't see them very often.
  3. Can't say as I was all that struck on it either....
  4. I was thinking Arthur Fenn used to play the Brand New Faces? Late 70's / early 80's I'm thinking it was Cleethorpes Winter Gardens - Sunday Afternoons?
  5. Great double sider, mine's on UK President. Although I must admit to liking "That's how it is" slightly more. Sounds fine on that format by the way!
  6. I got two copies of the CD via Skip himself, who put me in touch with a local store to sort the payment etc. It was well over 10 years back, could be a lot more! I've been trying to see who it was, but not found any info as yet - it could well have been Roadhouse themselves, it was pre PayPal, but I don't think I sent cash either, probably that one where they sent a cheque from the U.S. and you paid them via your card? I forget now! The CD title was Then, now and forever, same as the one on CD Baby, but with more tracks. I thought Sean's CD was a couple of years earlier than this one - titled something like "Now"? Without the older things on. No spare copy though, it was spoken for before I got it
  7. The title actually is "Overnight Express" - you were close though! Not bad for 20 years though I suppose!
  8. I was given an issue copy back in the early 80's - it's cracked right through to the middle, but still plays fine. I could have sworn it was styrene though? I'll have to go and find it out to be certain...
  9. A bit of info here from 2008: Good luck, as I can't see any copies around now...
  10. No Canadian copy I'm afraid, but I might have a spare purple vinyl USA copy - if that's what you mean?
  11. You were a little out there Andy - that was taken from LMR #7 which was dated April 1998. The review you did was for a night on Friday August 29th... which then makes it from the year before - August 1997! Check out the calendar for that year: https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/?year=1997&country=9
  12. I've got Rod down as DJ along with Bob Cosby & Gavin Page for the Saturday April 5th 1997 opening night at the Phoenix. Kev has some info as well, he might be able to check if Rod did Pitches, but I can't see any mention in the stuff I have and certainly don't remember! Last one was actually Friday August 28th 1999... according to the flyer I have
  13. See post no 16 Julie - you're in there! Another venue I never got to but followed what you were up to whenever I could. The only one I remember going to was an upstairs room in a pub in the city centre and Alan coming over and apologizing for it being quiet that night! Great music all the same, and that was all that mattered!
  14. First time I've heard of it too - but it's not surprising either, Canada has a habit of releasing things that we don't get to hear of until years later! US copies of the 45, of course do turn up and aren't exactly mega expensive.
  15. Chris, it's at the side of the title on the label: Same on the back cover: Is your copy different from these?
  16. Cheers Sean! I wondered who had that original photo, all I could find was a photo copy out of Echoes with it in. Hair today, gone tomorrow for some of you eh!
  17. Right, I've fired up the scanner a done a few from that first year. First off is a playlist, from Echoes, affectionately called "Pitches Bitches"! Next up is a 'newsletter' we put out, originally from an article in Derek Pearson's mag, Shades of Soul: Finally, an article from Echoes around the time of the first anniversary, with a short review of the second tape we gave out at the back end of 1995. That's all for now - thanks for the interest!
  18. I don't think Chris is trying to make the facts fit his memory of how it was - he's not exactly on his own on this. Others have also commented similarly. Yes, the demo 45 does state February 1974 as it's release date and the LP does show 1974 as it's (P) date. It is odd that we have similar thoughts on the period, but it was 41 years back so things can get a little hazy But I can relate to Sean's comment regarding the R. Dean Taylor song getting plays from the MFP LP and maybe it is that that's confusing some of us a bit?
  19. Yes Sean, it's in hand, two more tapes were done - I'm on with 'compiling' them at present and will put them up on Mixcloud in the near future. In the meantime, I'll go through my 'press cuttings' and see what I can dig up from there first
  20. The UK demo of the Contours 45 does state Feb 1974 as the release date - but even they have been known to be wrong. So it could have been held back a few months, until after the LP was released?
  21. So... Maybe the advance promo copy getting plays prior to the 45 and LP theory is the answer? We just need someone who can confirm this
  22. Well, I found it.... But it plays the 'correct' sides! So I guess we're now going into dead wax territory to find out the differences. "I just want to be there" - has the 'KENDUN' stamp followed by the letter A Then ZSS 163365 2c The official A side "Don't be afraid" has the same 'KENDUN' stamp followed by ZSS 163364 1c That's all for now!
  23. The plot thickens.....
  24. Hmmmm, interesting - I have the LP and also thought that track to be only on there. BUT, I do have that 45 as an issue, but couldn't say what that side actually plays. I do know I got it long before I knew about the LP track. Off I go hunting for the single to see what's on it. Watch this space!!

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