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John Benson

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Everything posted by John Benson

  1. I've had numerous attempts at uploading this MP3 to Refosoul and also just as an attachment, but it just won't have it! (Any ideas why anyone? - the file is only 1.7 MB so not over the 3.91 limit) Let me know if you still want it and I'll send it you direct
  2. Hmm... This could make an interesting thread: Smashed hits - or it's a cracker! I think I might have some similar ones around somewhere...
  3. It's not listed in that article in Voices - so it can't have come out!
  4. Well - here's mine... but on closer inspection, it's not 'quite' a demo but a Juke box copy! I must have just remembered it had some sort of 'plug side' to it - see the star: So I suppose it still leaves the question of the existance of white demos unanswered
  5. Here's another goodie from that LP - from William Bell & Mavis Staples:
  6. Mine's a demo, but it's not white, just the same as the A Bet issues but with Promo or something similar printed across it. I'll try and dig it out and post a scan - if no one beats me to it! As Mark said the same song was done by the Original Drifters on Sounds South and also a Dutch or Belgium release as shown below:
  7. Who remembers them at the Ritz in Manchester - arount the time of "Heaven..." & "It only takes..."? Great performance from Chubby and the guys All the above tunes by them get my vote too, but also let's not forget the other early Capitol 45 before Chubby got his name in the group's title.... The Turnpikes "Nothing but promises" (seen on the odd list for the flip side "Cast a spell") Steve - the Victor Tavares tune...I've got one called "Show me" on Malaco I think?
  8. Looks like I made the best 'move' by 'only' having the Innovation II copy, a white demo which I must have picked up sometime in the early 80's Although I had come across it before then, I think it wasn't until I heard it on Steve Davis' "Interesting Soul Show" that it caught my ear and picked up the next copy I found. Can't say as I've heard it played out much though, although Mr Robbins show has featured it a few times recently.
  9. Yes Mel, it was "How Can I Be A Witness" which actually is a different mix from the LP, I seem to think the LP version was slightly better (or was it the other way around?) Mr Hampsey has given it the odd spin over the years, so may be able to put me straight if I'm wrong I've got the LP and all of his Atlantic 45s, all good stuff
  10. Here's mine I've notice it's going for quite a bit also, whether it's due to the general soul fans interest, or simply because of the relatively small numbers produced I don't really know. Makes you wonder if the other David Ruffin CD set from last year will go the same way? There's some really nice unissued tracks on that set as well
  11. I've got the LP and both 45s by them, but haven't played the album since the late 70's . So can't remember what it's like anymore I can't recall anything special apart from the two tracks which were both played at that time: "Let there be love" (Soul Sam spin) and "Love knocks you down" (Mecca spin) I do remember seeing the LP on ABC a while after the Little Star release, so you'd have thought it was popular enough at that time. But I seem to remember reading fairly recently (on here?) that it was due to HB Barnum moving over to ABC at that period. Sorry - it's not for sale though
  12. Would I be right in thinking this group 'Truth' are not the same as the group who did "What Direction" on Roulette
  13. 1981 sounds reasonable I'd say. The one on the right 'hiding' - no idea, I thought it might have been Alan at first, but the jumper's a different colour - even accounting for the flash of the camera, also it looks like he's got a cig in his hand if you look closely. Does that help at all??
  14. Correct, no UK 45 of this... but it was on a UK LP of course!
  15. Note in 'diary' added! .....
  16. I can't remember that one - but do recall Malc Burton playing "The lonely Ranger" by Silver Pony at Mexborough Civic "Hi ho Silver....Away!!! (Who was that masked man?)
  17. In Tenerife between the 14th & 28th - so no cold shoulder intended But working shifts does mean I'm not always able to get out when I'd like to...
  18. Here's Eddie singing it live on Youtube - not quite as good as the LP recording, but beggars can't be choosy as they say Eddie Floyd - "That's all"
  19. Well, I found the ones I have, not as good as I remembered but here they are anyway Some right 'villains' here - in fact I daren't even mention their names in case they send out the hit squad out to get me Surprisingly ALL, but one of them are active on here, but not all having quite as much hair these days So anyone any idea what year this would have been? - I reckon it's a Christmas 'do' with all the trimmings around the decks.
  20. I always liked "Tyra's song" going back to shortly after 'TMB' had plays at the Mecca (which would be when I bought it) - they were between 3 and 5 quid then as I recall. Both sides used to get the odd spin out round our way at that time although "Take me back " was the more popular of the two sides. But alas, like many other good tunes, they seem to get put to one side for the next contender and in this case lie dormant for some years before surfacing again. Hmmm - I wonder where my copy has got to...it's in there somewhere!
  21. Me? - first this year... you're confusing me with Mr Briscoe I think
  22. Hmm, it did sound familiar... I think I recall the tape it is on - still got it somewhere Thanks for the info on the Rotations 45 also guys
  23. I seem to recall seeing Dave Halsall's copy and the label being "Emandolyn" - does that sound about right? Don't know about an alternate flip to the Lawton 45 - be interesting if anyone knows more though.
  24. No idea on the current price but when Cliff got his copy they were around Six quid from Andy Dyson, due to the label damage they all seem to have. About 5 years or so back I think? Can't tell you who told Cliff to have a listen to it after they'd heard it played by Steve G(?) on Soul 24-7 some months earlier Hope you're well Tank - I see you've been asking about me (I was on me hols)
  25. Done on Atlantic by Jackie Moore - I forgot the MCOJ did it as well... got both of em too

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