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John Benson

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Everything posted by John Benson

  1. It was well before Wigan, more like the Torch. I seem to think it's been discussed before on here.
  2. Even though in the article she clearly states that she chose the name. For some reason I had it in my mind that it was her (then) surname at the time? I'm wondering where I could have read this now - or did I just dream it?
  3. As we're not really any further to a definitive answer to our original question, I thought I'd go back to one of the comments made on page 3 about how popular or well promoted it was in the Soul magazines when the Demon LP was released. Well, over the weekend I went through every issue of Blues & Soul from late Jan 1989 through to the Xmas issue (December / January) I only turned up these few mentions of the LP, no proper reviews or anything. Just three playlists (one was repeated in the next issue) plus a couple from Record Corner. No mention even from the likes of Richard Searling or Simon Dunmore who's pages you might have expected to see a mention. It's not surprising then that it went almost unseen! Record Corner ad - B&S 542 & also 544 - Aug / Sept 89 Rick Scott - B&S 543 - Sept 89 Steve Hobbs - B&S 544 & also in 545 - Sept & Oct 89 Of course there were a few mentions in Voices From The Shadows, but again only fairly low key. Jan Barker's brief comment in issue 10 Jan's second mention in issue 12 A little 'dig' from Tony Rounce, also in issue 12 I don't doubt there may have been other mags that reviewed the LP, but I was just mainly looking at Blues & Soul as being one of the major ones. Other than the review in Echoes posted earlier. I can't say, as I've not plucked up enough courage to go through those... Yet! Anyone fancy going back to 1974 / '75 and see if any of the mags have a mention of it there? - somehow I'd be surprised if there was anything.... but you never know do you?
  4. As I wrote, the article was printed around 2003, the interview being done the year before that (it says so in the article). Which was why I thought it odd he wouldn't mention it - unless Mr Dewhirst didn't actually sell it to him until after that date!
  5. I've not long since been looking through that interview that Colin Dilnot did with Sandra which was mentioned earlier - In The Basement 32. (Around 2003) As already said, Sandra had no involvement or even any knowledge of the Demon release prior to a number of people saying to her that they had copies of it, but this wasn't until a few years after it was released. More to the point, at no point does Colin mention the existence of an earlier copy of it, let alone owning one - I find it odd that he wouldn't have at least mentioned something about it, even if he only said a test pressing exists of it but not mentioned it was his. But as I don't know him that well, I couldn't ever be certain of this. I guess we could do with someone currently in touch with him to ask the question
  6. Mike, I was hoping someone may have done this by now. I suppose I'll be having to go up into the loft to see for myself as mine are all 'archived' up there!
  7. Just to add to my earlier comment of when I first got to hear about the LP, I found the tape with the tracks on and I've got written on the case September 1989. So short of hunting through numerous mags from that year, I haven't a clue what month it actually came out on Demon - does anyone know? Obviously earlier than September!
  8. I have to say that I don't recall hearing any of it played out after the Demon release, but I 'got wind' of it via my buddy Sean Hampsey who did me a tape with most of the tracks on it. It wasn't very old at that time, weeks or maybe a few months, I can't remember! I picked up my own copy shortly afterwards from a local record shop. I don't recall there being any big 'buzz' going around about it either and can't recall where Sean got to know about it - maybe he'll remind me when he reads this? After all, it was 'only' around 26 - 27 years back!
  9. While it's hard to believe that no one has ever mentioned the existence of this LP before - it's not totally impossible for one or two people to own a copy that aren't active on the current soul scene. Although I think Ian's Colin Dilnot theory would have been heard of by someone before now. Take the Darrell Banks London 45 as a recent example... Who would have thought that existed! Like most reading this thread, I'm eagerly awaiting more developments on this
  10. Can't say as I've heard that one Sean - but that doesn't mean much! I'm sure someone else will know something about this.
  11. Unless I'm missing something, the first one has no vocals, so you can only compare the tune - not the songs! That aside, yes the tunes are similar but not the same. Paul Burton gets my vote every time though If I happen to come across two copies, I'll let you know!
  12. This was definitely getting plays as Wigan opened in late '73 and the Solid Rock copies were around the record bar around the same time. I'm fairly sure it got plays at The Torch too?
  13. Well, I have to say that I was only aware of Candy Bowman existing on a 45 - I have it on a UK copy but the others I only knew as being on LPs. You learn something new all the time... Good luck in your quest!
  14. Well at least the mystery is now a little bit clearer! Although the source isn't - not yet anyway. I may be putting two and two together, but the mention of the Willie Tee Gatur '45' had me wondering as a certain well known person mentioned it numerous times on one of his recent 'podcasts'. I thought it odd that someone would mention it in such a casual manner. Yet I'd never come across any other mention of it until yesterday on this thread, and the words 'Soul Pack'..... I wonder if I'm thinking about the same person?
  15. Regarding BIEM - I've a Dells 45 on Italian Cadet with that on. A quick Google search shows this: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a list of BIEM member organisations. Albania ALBAUTOR Argentina SADAIC Austria AUSTROMECHANA Belgium SABAM Brazil SBACEM Bulgaria MUSICAUTOR Canada SODRAC Chile SCD China MCSC Croatia HDS Czech Republic OSA Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania and Estonia NCB France SDRM Georgia GESAP Germany GEMA Greece AEPI Guinea-Bissau SGA Hong Kong CASH Hungary ARTISJUS Israel ACUM Italy, The Vatican, San Marino SIAE Japan JASRAC Malaysia MACP Mexico SACM Netherlands STEMRA Peru APDAYC Philippines FILSCAP Poland ZAIKS Portugal Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (SPA) Romania UCMR-ADA Russian Federation RAO Serbia and Montenegro SOKOJ Slovakia SOZA Slovenia SAZAS Spain SGAE Switzerland, Liechtenstein SUISA Trinidad, Tobago COTT Turkey MESAM Ukraine UACRR United Kingdom MCPS United States of America HFA Uruguay AGADU Venezuela SACVEN So, it doesn't relate to a specific country but represents a lot of them, there's too much to post on here, but this link gives you a good idea of what BIEM is and does: https://www.biem.org/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=20&Itemid=442&lang=en
  16. Judging by the lack of comments since the programme, I guess it didn't impress anyone? I just listened to it via a recording I did on the Sky box....
  17. As I said on the earlier thread about this, back in September - I do find it odd that someone would go to the trouble of pressing this up on a 45. It's never been popular enough to warrant it in my opinion. But it isn't unheard of for singles to be taken from LPs 4 years or so after the album came out,so you never know. Plus as I also mentioned, by the time this record is suspected to have been released - 1973, Ray Charles had started his own label 'Crossover' so you may think it would have got released on that. Unless ABC had the rights to it and not Ray. Of course this is all speculation until we get confirmation from someone else who can verify that copies do really exist! By the way Steve G, I got that same 'picture' bag with an unplayed copy of Neal Kimble
  18. It'll probably get 'discovered' a few more times yet - before it's finally a known of 45 Hopefully most of us on here will have turned one up by them eh.... or maybe not Yes, it's a lovely find indeed!
  19. As you haven't actually said if you've compared it to Gwen Owens yet, here's the track so you can rule it out or not. Whatever the case may be! https://youtu.be/_iypsbc5fkw
  20. That's correct, but I didn't see any need to mention that. I was just pointing out the similarities between the title and a singer called Gwen...
  21. Gwen Owens did "Still true to you" on Velgo. Can't say as I know of this title by Gwen Davis?
  22. I've got most of the Al Hudson Atco 45s, including both of these. I'd already got "We must make it happen" when I came across it well over 15 years back, so bought it blind - just out of curiosity. Just going through the notes on Discogs for this release number, it mentions the two B sides, plus that the copies with "When I'm loving you" on were credited to Al Hudson & The Soul Partners. But the ones with "We must make it happen" on are only credited to Al Hudson. I can't say as I'd noticed that, so will have to check my copies!
  23. Can't say as I've come across a copy Sean. The A side is very much like Phil Upchurch "You can't sit down" I guess it's the other side you're more interested in? I'll keep an eye open for you...
  24. Also, this might be obvious, but if you are struggling to find a date for a particular record, look for records on the same label with release numbers as close to yours. If you get some with dates on either side (ish) then you'll not be far off.
  25. There was a thread about it early on this year Derek, have a wade through it and you might find something of interest: /forums/topic/331455-record-store-day-2015/

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