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John Benson

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Everything posted by John Benson

  1. 1970 also for Delegates of Soul - Same source
  2. Vibrations was 1970 - according to Mr Rimmer's site
  3. So who ended up with Linda then - anyone on here?
  4. Join the queue Mark It's the flip side to "Blackberry jam" on Curtom 124 - not on demos though
  5. I didn't realise this was a hard 45 Sean? Are they generally demos of the other side then? I've always loved that side though, mind you it's a great double sider really - the album's not too shabby either...!
  6. I have to agree on this one - sadly we are a minority and also fragmented across the country to an extent that it probably isn't viable for promotors (in general) to cater for us. More so, when at any one time there's only ever going to be a handful or so attending an event
  7. Just given it another go using 'Chrome'...Result! Cheers!
  8. Sorry but I don't know any more info than we already have here If it was reported in David Cole's mag 'In the Basement', maybe he still has a contact who can confirm this for sure?
  9. I've been trying daily since this link was posted up Brett, but not having much success with the first part It just stops at around 68% then if I leave it long enough, it just cancels the download. (Using IE 8) The second part I got with no problems... anyone else had this? Any suggestions welcome!
  10. Nice one Sebastian I've not seen that one before either
  11. I didn't doubt it Malc - I was just saying that I didn't recall my copy being French Anyways, I've just 'found' it - it's on UK Spark (Surprise surprise!) - called "Satisfied" SRLP 121 (1976) Tracks are: (Side 1) Baby are you satisfied Natural high Climbing the steps of love Shame, shame, shame When I get home We got love (Side 2) Hey big brother Sold my rock 'n' roll (gave it for funky soul) Show it Dance with my baby Solid funk Singing in all harmony Yes Mike, that 45 you mentioned is also on there - "Solid funk" Another brief Mecca spin BTW - I had another listen to "Climbing..." and it's not really stood the test of time! I daren't listen to the rest of the LP though... not just yet anyway!
  12. Willie Hutch - After love has gone - Motown Brenton Wood - I'm the one who knows - Liberty Lost Generation - You only get out of love - Brunswick Deon Jackson - When your love has gone - Carla Roscoe Robinson - Why are you afraid - SS7 Just a few on the many I could list - if I had enough time to think about it!
  13. I seem to think they were advance copies which were circulating at the time prior to it's release on a 45. As you say, it got dropped 'like a hot potato' when it did come out. You're not on your own either, I always had a liking to it. I also picked up a copy of the LP some time afterwards. But I don't recall it being French, most likely a UK copy, but I'd have to find it out to be sure?
  14. Brunswick must have sent this information to some other countries also... I've got one with that title - released in Chile
  15. Not quite "Tell me a lie" is it Sean? Now that was an album!
  16. Just been listening to it for the past dozen or so times - it's starting to grow on me a bit now! Actually, it reminds me of a couple of other things, but I can't quite put my finger on them yet In the meantime, I 'found' this on a Capitol records related site under a feature about Capitol Records history for the date October 16th 2009: (https://popculturefanboy.blogspot.com/2009/10/october-16-2009-happy-birthday-40-years.html) 40 Years Ago Today In 1969 - Capitol Records registers the purchased masters of Spencer Wiggins' tracks "I'm At The Breaking Point", "Ooh-Be-Ooh-Be-Doo", "Old Friend", and "Love Machine". The first track is listed as unissued, no issue information is listed for the second and third tracks and the last track was issued by Fame Records, a subsidiary of Capitol Records, as a single (Fame 1463) with "Love Me Tonight" on the flip side. I also 'found' this on another site (https://www.duaneallman.info/duanedisclovemachine.htm) In an article about Spencer Wiggins, published in the UK magazine 'In The Basement' (Issue no. 27, August-October 2002) the following unissued Fame masters are mentioned: 'Hit And Run', 'Holding On', 'I'm At The Breaking Point', 'Make Me Your's', 'Ooh Be Ooh Be Doo', 'This Love Is Gonna Be True' and 'This Time'. 40+ years eh, it's been a long time coming!
  17. It doesn't really surprise me that it got a release Dave But it's the first time I've been aware of it. As you say the Original Drifters 45 on Sounds South came out on this label - albeit not the same design, but my copy of that 45 was just plain green, but it would have been quite a few years before the Tams 45, which might just explain it? Makes you wonder if there was a picture sleeve for the Tams though doesn't it?
  18. Isn't there one on there right now?
  19. Wasn't this also released in the UK on Action? I think I have one somewhere, must have another listen to it...
  20. Yes, it was originally played from the above mentioned LP, then got a UK 45 release on the strength of the popularity. I first hear it at the Mecca / Ritz, then at Cleethorpes shortly afterwards. No other 45 that I know of - unless it was released in another country at the same time as the UK 45 release
  21. I didn't know anything about this problem when I got my copy - back in 198? at Clifton Hall Good job for me then that it was a UK copy eh I don't think it was getting plays anywhere then though, it was quite a few years after that that I started to see it on play lists.
  22. Lovely version, but for me Darrell Banks version has the edge - from his Volt LP
  23. Possibly Fox's Bri - They had two places didn't they? (One of them that just sold musical instruments) I'm sure it was an upstairs shop, I'll have to ask Dean Roach when I see him as I think he got one or both of these albums also. Actually I think he comes on here, maybe he'll reply?
  24. That's just what I think Ivor - that guitar just ruins what could be a good tune Right - back to the King - not too keen of that one either...
  25. That's sounds about right, but it was the one upstairs I was thinking of - didn't they also have one downstairs as well... or was that another shop? Can't say as I was aware of the Scarborough shop you mentioned - both my VOEH albums were market jobs and the Skull Snaps was from a dealer somewhere - maybe Snaith or around that time, that one cost me about a fiver though!

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