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John Benson

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Everything posted by John Benson

  1. £90.88 Just click on the link in the first post!
  2. Not one of the gospel 45s Ian, but I think this is the sort of thing you are referring to: Any idea what the record is he reviewed? I'll post up the actual 45 later after you've had chance to have a guess or two!
  3. After over 5 years since this topic was started, I'd be very surprised!
  4. Nice one Sean Not seen that one before, yes I agree, this Ron Murphy wouldn't be the singer on the cut we're talking about, I couldn't imagine him in front of a mike singing! But I have compared both recordings and I don't think it's Jimmie Delphs singing it either No doubt it's someone else, known or unknown, doing the track to be used to promote the song to other artists or producers. It would be interesting to find out who it really is though, but I don't think it's as good as the released 45 that Jimmie did
  5. Mal, Doesn't sound anything like Jimmy to my ears, so maybe it really is Ron Murphy? I guess it could be the same guy who's name crops up on Bobby Wells 45s on Romur, or was he from Philly? I could never decide what the actual label was called for the Jimmie Delphs single - DSSI at the top of a triangle and what looks like MANO below it. Nice find all the same And here's yours by Ron Murphy You can add a sound file when you get chance - if you want
  6. Yes, I had a quick look at it an hour or so ago, and it looks to me as if there will be a charge even for gift payments made using an existing paypal balance and using a bank account. As well as the previous charge for credit card account payments as before. There's probably something else lurking in there I've missed as well
  7. Hi Martin, As far as the date is concerned, not a great deal of help really - but at least it will narrow it down a little. 'Back in the day' I used to write down the titles of all the singles I picked up, I stopped doing it in 1984, but on having a scan through the list today, about 20 titles from the end was this record, the date was 10th April 1984. Actually I had written "Loving you is easy" + 3 EP but we know it's the same record. As I said, it's not much to go on but at least it has to have been released before then, but as to it being a 70's or early 80's release - who knows? Maybe someone else can recall getting one before then....?
  8. Not forgetting there's also a copy in mine! Not sure if it's got beer stains on it though...
  9. Agreed, it's a lovely LP - also released in the UK on London. I've no idea on it's price these days, but it never used to be particularly hard to find, nor expensive They do turn up from time to time in the usual places though...
  10. As far as I am aware the Joe Simon track is only on his Posse LP. It's called "Glad you came my way" and came out in 1981, not all that hard to pick up from around £5 upwards.
  11. I taped that version from an acetate LP at the time - but finding the actual tape might take some time! I do still have it somewhere, but not on the computer. If no one else can help, I'll have a look for it for you.
  12. I don't think the album ever materialised - after his two singles on Crossover, there were a further two tracks out on Atco and two more on Atlantic. I've never heard what other tracks remain or if they still exist in any format, but it would be nice to find out if they are still in a vault somewhere, probably in California. There was an article in David Cole's mag In the Basement # 42, but I don't recall it mentioning the album. I could check it for you to be sure.
  13. For what it's worth... I noticed the Greek copy shows this side as the 'B' side, whereas the others have it as the 'A' side!
  14. "This love affair" is on the album "Park avenue sound" - I don't think it's hard to come by, nor particulary expensive? Nice all the same!
  15. Right, finally found it Hope it comes out OK, I had a few goes at it but it didn't quite come out as clear as I hoped it should BTW - I have a feeling this was never released as a stock copy, can anyone confirm?
  16. I was the opposite to you Dylan - I bought it for the flip side but hardly ever play the 'A' side! Dave Godin also used to rave about "Missing you"...
  17. Here's the 'other' UK release by her on Direction, nice to have both songs back to back: Not found my Scepter copy yet...
  18. Hi Sean, Agreed there's one or two other nice ones by her, including the ones mentioned above. What was that one I taped for you 'eons' ago? Chasing me into someone else's arms or summat? I can't remember what it sounds like these days though...
  19. Here's another one to add to the list: Lovely tune it is too... actually my own copy is a promo, but a 'stock' label instead of this white one. I'll dig it out and post it when I get chance... big maybelle - oh lord what are you doing to -
  20. Correct - grey it was I've also got that promo 45 they put out to promote the re-launch(?) with the pink logo on one side and the People label on the other. Just blank labels on both sides If I remember correctly - no writing, just the respective artwork?
  21. I suppose to be fair, there were 5 different bidders and 19 bids in total - so surely (at least) most of them must have been aware of what they were actually bidding on? But there again....who knows
  22. Also in group format by The Undisputed Truth on Gordy
  23. Right continent but wrong country Bri Hint: hover your mouse pointer over the thumbnail and the answer should reveal itself
  24. Thanks for the info Guys - interesting... What do you think about this one then? I've no scan of the actual record though - not just yet anyways. (No - it's not from Brazil either )

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