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John Benson

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Everything posted by John Benson

  1. Here's Anthony & the Imperials in it's promo format Not mine though - I've just got a yellow copy!
  2. They both recorded for GWP at that time, so I assume that may be the reason for the release? No idea on a price though, but I don't think it's a lot.
  3. What about this one Steve - a promo CD single from Brazil? Never got myself a 12" though, just the 7", CD album.... and the one above
  4. Yep, nice tune, I have the UK Bell demo, and the blue US copy... oh and also Pat Sands & the Pebbles version!
  5. Other than the Herman Hitson CD which came out a few years back - but wasn't there also a slightly different version knocking about as well?
  6. OK Blake, I stand corrected! I thought for a moment you were 'sounding out' the market! PS - I've not seen you for ages to tell you have I - so we'll be seeing you at the airport
  7. So Blake... Just what is this all leading to? - you've either got a copy to sell or found a box full? By the way, I've not got a clue on a price...
  8. I've no idea Bob, I wasn't aware of a third label for the song I just copied the playlist from Steve's post on EMS, we best hope Steve reads this and tells us...
  9. There's one here Brett: https://www.divshare.com/download/12467642-33d Unfortunately, unless you have a Divshare account, the file is unavailable until October 9th because the uploader's download limit has been reached. Or just ask Zane if he can sort it out for you? I'm sure Steve won't mind me putting the playlist here: George Bussey Experience "I need your fire" (Foxy) LaDellics "Never gonna change" (MoJo) Jimmy Brinson "It's all over girl" (Brin) Smallwood Brothers "I don't want to go back" I(Wand) Shades of Brown "How could you love him"(On Top) Book of Life "Love will rise"(Sonstar) Tommy McGhee "Now that I have you" (TMG) Charen Cotton "A little bit of love"(Ark) (original version before Philomega / Perception!) Ex Ta C "Squeeze" (OK&T) Merv Murphy "It's growing" (Simmons) Crystal Image "A Friend"(No label) Galaxy "Superstar" (Rising Stars)(US group from Atlanta) Ed Robinson "Ivory"(Atco) People's Choice "All I want is you" (unissued) Tommy Tate "Whats the matter" (ABC) Candi Staton "One more hurt" (Kent) Grand Theft "How could you be so cold" (Honey) Billy Byrd "Silly kind of love"(Scream) Willie Feaster feat Lew Curtain(!) "Voices" (Red Coach) The Reason Why "Step inside my world"(Polydor) Halo "Let me do it to you"(Dyco) Brockington Singers "Stretch out!" (TSOP) Vee Gees "Talking" (Jump Off) Chuck Prophett "Love love love" (Lar Ron)(JR Bailey first and foremost!) Arthur Foy "Love dreams"(MS) Phenix "Love games"(Phenix) Rhythm Machine "What you gonna do" (Rodan) J P Robinson "Our day is here"(Blue Candle) Stone Free "Serve me right to suffer"(HAB) Camille Bob "Got to get away"(Whit) Darrow Fletcher "Lets get together" (Atco B side) Jokers Wylde "Very special love"(Gold SPill) Jack Sass Band "Where is the love"(Visa) Bill Coday "A man can't be a man"(Epic) Otis Jackson "Begging for a broken heart"(Mega)
  10. Here's a scan I did for a mate, of a review about this 45 some years back. I can't recall which mag it was from or even who did it! But no doubt someone will know! But it gives a bit of info about the 45 and also mentions the quality of the recording on one of the sides as mentioned by John. I also remember reading somewhere that Dorothy Moore stated she was not in the Dollettes! But I have to agree, it certainly sounds like her to my ears and along with the writer credits, it makes it hard to believe it's not her.
  11. Probably so Malc, but "Smoke stream" was not really ever in demand for a period that I would have thought was long enough to warrant a repress? Unless it / they already existed in that format in the States and someone over here got in contact with either the label or a distributor for copies? Surely somebody knows someone who was involved in this 'deal' (when these copies turned up in the UK) who can put us in the picture?
  12. I thought it had been established that the silver text copies were more of a re-issue / re-press by Nasco records than a 'Boot' Check out this thread from a couple of years back: I know it doesn't explain where these copies came from and how the seller's dad above may have got one from. But in the back of my mind I do seem to think it was mentioned on here at some point?
  13. Probably more like the latter Jason!
  14. Just checked and... OOOppps!! - it's not "So long" but "How long" on Scotti Bros 12" Sorry about that, yet another very similar title from James! We all make mistakes from time to time don't we... hope it didn't get you all excited for nothing. But it's another good track by James all the same
  15. Actually Jason. "So long" is also on a 12" single (Not to be confused with the 45 of the same title on King)
  16. There's some on here, white labels and issues - see what you think: https://www.gemm.com/c/search.pl?field=ARTIST&wild=d%27breez&Go%21.x=20&Go%21.y=16 Prices vary from around $29 to $64
  17. No, you're probably right - you just can't beat the lovely sound of Eddie Levert & the guys
  18. Here's Timothy Wilson's take on it: Timothy Wilson - Just another guy (on a string) -
  19. There were two releases of this on black Mercury, first time out "I want to give..." was the A side, then later 're-issued' with "Sweet happiness" as the A side (due to it's then popularity) The first release would be worth most, but off hand I would guess it's probably only in the region of £20 - £30 Unless it's a white demo, then it would be more.
  20. As in pulling rabbits out of hats and stuff? Sounds familiar...
  21. I think he's referring to TMG 720 which was demos only, then not released until TMG 748. I only know of it being promos on the TMG 720 'release' - I don't think it ever got any stock copies pressed at all?
  22. Lovely vocals from Eddie, David and the guys! But I have to say that I do miss hearing the strings and things in the background - for me it's a bit like the icing on the cake, if you know what I mean.
  23. Hi Pete, We were talking about this track at the 'Wash' yesterday - As far as I can tell it was only out on 2 LPs, no 45 of it that I know of. This one being the MFP 'live' LP - as you know not really live, just with an audience clapping on the intro: There also was another album in the US on Bell, with (I think) the same tracks, but it wasn't called 'Live' but released around the same time circa1973 to cash in on the popularity the group was having at that time on Philly Int / CBS I'm almost certain this album has the same live effects though. If this Youtube clip is correct, it's taken from the Bell LP https://il.youtube.com/watch?v=xTZ-DrdXxok&feature=related Of course there's at least a couple more versions of this song also worth a listen - Timothy Wilson on Buddah and Stage IV on Millie
  24. Not quite those two Ian Actually it was this lady: Pity he knocked out the centre... Geraldine Hunt - never never leave me -

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