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John Benson

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Everything posted by John Benson

  1. It would be interesting to see a list of who actually has a copy & so maybe work out how many 'known copies' there are. I was fortunate to get a copy at the time it was promoted along with Sean, Kev & Tats as we were doing our Soul Solution event then. We put out tapes on each event and the Art Gentry track was actually my choice for one of them. I forget what the others chose off hand. Good luck in your search!
  2. I have to disagree, for me the LP version is much better than the 45 But that could be due to the fact that that was the one I heard first - Canal Tavern in Thorne many years ago! A quick search reveals that I'm not alone either: https://mickeynold.blogspot.co.uk/2007/10/rainbow.html
  3. Last November is when that all started Pete, yep Simon S indeed!
  4. Just to add to this, that boot that Rob pointed out, was actually done around late 1973 / early 1974, it was in the main record dealer's boxes during the very early days at Wigan. Along with the 'Patience Valentine' "You can't tell the good guys from the bad" on Real Soul (Edie Walker) and Dana Valery "You don't know where your interest lies" on Pussycat
  5. I can't agree with that guide being entirely accurate though. That Carl Hall is on Mercury 72396 and so is later than it states above (for red labels) anyway. I guess there was a bit of overlap during the changeover from black labels to red ones. I've a copy of the Paramounts on the black Mercury logo which is a later number than 72321: The Paramounts "The girl with the big black boots" / "I won't share your love" Mercury 72429 I'll see about posting a scan of it later.
  6. I must have dropped lucky then, I picked up my issue copy from someone at The Canal Tavern in Thorne, late 80's or possibly early 90's (?) during the Rod Dearlove period there, I can't recall who it was, but he had two copies both issues at a fiver each. I got a bit of a sweat on though when Arthur Fenn picked one of them up just before me, I thought he was going to have both of them! Later he commented to me about it being a bargain
  7. Thanks for that Bob, if you've read the rest of this on the 'wants' thread you might understand the confusion better. Just to add to the bit about where it was printed, on my copy it clearly states (on the record label) that it was printed in Canada. The sleeve doesn't state any country at all. So it appears that there were two different presses of the 12", one saying printed in Canada which lists "Can I flow" on side two, which it turns out is actually "Funny love" Then there's the one I'm asking about, which lists the track as "Funny love" and - I hope, actually plays that track!
  8. Cheers Ivor, actually, my copy came direct from Canada so there was no UK involvement there, unless they saved some to sell over there also. Neither does it mention 'Printed in England' anywhere. Anyway, if you've seen the other comments on another thread, you'll probably understand the query. I don't want to spread this out over two different threads as it gets too confusing. Specially as one is a sales an the other a want Maybe one of the moderator types can put all the relevant comments in one thread under its own heading - for future reference?
  9. Right, we're getting somewhere at last! As Paul knows, the only reason this question came about is due to the comments on Discogs which disputed the two 'different' releases with the different track on side 2. I also queried it and suggested label scans to confirm if it existed. Which later I put up scans of my 'Canadian' copy, which shows "Can I flow" as the second track on that side. But prior to doing that I had a pm (on Discogs) from someone who said he used to have a copy, but wasn't able to put a comment up on the voting page (to have the 'error' removed) about it. But once again, last week the vote was asked again. So I just merely wanted to try and get to the bottom of it and sort it out once and for all. So, it seems like there really are two slightly different releases of the 12", whether one was done in the UK or Canada is another thing. Although with the Timewarp comment on the sales thread could be a clue. But it at least confirms that both entries are valid does it not? It looks like I'll have to find mine out now and confirm to myself that "Can I flow" actually does play "Funny love" after all that Great this collecting lark eh!
  10. Hi, Can you confirm this 12" has "Driftin' " & "Funny Love on the B side? The Canadian 12" has "Driftin' " & "Can I flow" on the B side. If this is correct, is there any chance of a label scan to confirm this? There seems to be some confusion as to this existing... Cheers!
  11. By co-incidence there's one for sale on here, yesterday:
  12. So what about the one on Gemm with the same 'error' Paul? Ian Spittle from Poole has one listed with Driftin' & Funny Love on the B side - do you know him / is he on here? The Canadian release has "Driftin' " & "Can I flow" on the B side. Also why would someone contact me on Discogs saying he definitely sold one? I take it you have read my comments on Discogs about it? Like I said, I don't know for definite either way, but it seems odd that two people would list that side with the same 'incorrect' title.
  13. Can anyone confirm the existence of this getting a UK 12" release, with one different track to the Canadian release on side 2? Preferably with a scan. Some of you will be aware of the listing on Discogs to that effect. I don't know for certain one way or another, so it would be nice to see some proof. https://www.discogs.com/Sean-Oliver-You-And-Me/release/4383558
  14. I was beginning to think it was his show going on the number of times he's guested lately Yes he and of course yourself played some great tunes indeed!
  15. I tend to agree with Sebastian. That article seems to tell most about it - apart from a full Gold Plate label discography. But it looks to cover quite a few of them. It states that it's the Groups own label. "Blind over you" is a lovely ballad The numbering has big gaps though, I wonder how many there are, or are they Amherst numbers?
  16. Oooooh, I do apologise Benji - I missed that bit. I thought it was strange no one had mentioned it!!
  17. I'm sure most people will know, but Doris Willingham later became more well known by the name of Doris Duke
  18. Actually, my post gave all the tracks on the album, but maybe not quite as easy to tell. I thought you were after comments about the album, what the tracks were like etc, a track list is easy to find on a search engine like google. No matter though, price wise I'd guess somewhere in the £200 to £300 range, going on the prices on Popsike & Collectors Frenzy etc. https://collectorsfrenzy.com/details/280517496165/GLORIA_BARNES_MAPLE_6006_UPTOWN_SUPER_RARE_SOULLISTEN https://www.popsike.com/GLORIA-BARNES-UPTOWN-MAPLE-RARE-FUNK-SOUL/110249396994.html
  19. Just realised with all the talk earlier about the Wendell Watts 45, there's no photo of it:
  20. I first heard the Bettye Swann side courtesy of Mike Charlton at Yarmouth some years back - only having the promo at that time, I couldn't believe that side never got much interest. Picking one up shortly after for around a fiver, a great track indeed. I didn't realise it wasn't more well known by now. Thinking about it... My copy (US) came from Australia, not America, is that some sort of a sign as to where they all went I wonder?
  21. I'm sure you want comments on the tracks rather than a track list. But as I don't have it, I'll start things off with this taken from Popsike: From 1971, out of New Jersey, comes Gloria Barnes with her LP Uptown on Maple M6006. Ultra rare ORIGINAL PRESS of this extremely rare soul/funk LP! Contains the song I'll Call You Back Later, parts of which have been sampled on various records. Eight songs on this LP, including Old Before My Time, I'll Call You Back Later, I Found Myself, Gotta Get Away, You Don't Mean It, Home, She Wants A Stand-In, and I'll Go All The Way. This ultra rare LP features Lee Moses and The Deciples on several of the songs as back-up. The Ohio Players may have been involved in several other songs.
  22. Here's a couple of mine, Deon Jackson - "I can't go on" and Robert Parker - I caught you in a lie" Both being the solid centre 'variety' - I'll have to go digging and see if I have any others, then maybe we can compare / see if there's any of the dinked ones of the same record?
  23. Right, I've finally got around to scanning the Dutch 45, as I said earlier, it did have a solid middle at one point, but I didn't realise that until I bought it. But it'll have to do for the time being, until I finally drop on a cheap US copy.
  24. "Please don't go" was a regular spin at the Clifton Hall in Rotherham which would make it late 1980 onwards.

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