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John Benson

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Posts posted by John Benson

  1. I've about 5 or 6 releases on the label, but I think only the Foundations & Limmie are up to much?


    I did start trying to compile a listing up at one time, but there quite a lot more than I realised. I'll check out those on 45 Cat and se if I can add anything.

  2. As far as I can remember, without digging out the 45. That 80's single was the 60's recording but with 'modern' overdubbing of strings. Which has been mentioned numerous times on this thread already, personally I think it ruined the song, not improved it by trying to make it more contemporary.

    I can't speak for the 12" as I've never bothered picking it up, but assume it's the same?


    I think the original one was on 'The Master" CD set, but can't actually be certain which take it was.

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  3. Without digging through old copies of Blues & Soul, I seem to think there must be an article in one of them which also ought to confirm it for certain.

    sometime around the release on Magnet of "It's uncanny" I would think.

    Failing that surely Dave Godin would have said something as the single was one he wrote about at the time?

  4. My copy is the small 45 logo, bought in the late 90's from the USA - but what does that prove?


    I seem to recall having a discussion around that time about if they were legit, but can't recall any mention of a Belgian or any other re-issue. Except that they all seemed to be like that for some reason - which was never really known....

  5. The 'big hit' aspect - I sometimes wonder if artists actually get told that they have a 'hit', or someone just mentions that a song of theirs is getting played in clubs or on radio over here and they just assume it's a countrywide thing, rather than in reality just a very tiny section of people over here that like it.


    Not quite the same thing is it?


    It's possible that certain unscrupulous people may play on the 'hit' thing in order to obtain copies of the record, but not good on the artist by making them think they are big names over here (or Europe etc) When hardly anyone has actually heard of them.

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