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John Benson

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Everything posted by John Benson

  1. Got my 70's reworked copy for about 50p about 1979 from a local second hand shop Didn't realise how much they were going for these days until a year or so back!
  2. I can't remember seeing Lee Fields for less than £2.50 - to £3.00 There were quite a few about during the mid 70's but usually all were around that price. I got mine around 1976 and it was more like £3.00, as did a few of my mates at that time. But no doubt they were less at some point - but I don't personally recall them being 85p.
  3. That's the one Kev, plus the previous 45 from late 2013 "Stop wait a minute girl" both on Secret Stash, along with the One-Der-Ful material they are planning to release.
  4. I'll throw in a few recent-ish things. GC Cameron " Love just ain't no fun" on Soul Brother Records The Up Tights "How long must I wait for you" on Soul 7 Records Saun & Starr "Hot shot" on Daptone Records Not forgetting the Valdons 45s on Secret Stash of course!
  5. Johnny Caswell was known about well before then, it's on a live Wigan recording from 1973 I'm fairly sure it was getting plays well before Wigan - I'm pretty sure it was on Va Va playlists as well?
  6. Ray Charles - "Don't need no Doctor" - New Zealand copy
  7. I thought I'd already posted it, but on searching the thread, maybe not. So when I get on the PC, I'll post up my New Zealand copy of this, almost the same if I remember correctly, but says New Zealand instead of Australia - as you'd expect it would!
  8. Pardon?? (to post 11)
  9. As answered in post no 2, white copies are around, but not as much as the stock copies. Never booted as far as I recall, but not ever been popular or hard enough to obtain to warrant it.
  10. Plenty of info about Bunky's Pick from January 2014 here:
  11. Shades of The Stylistics, but I don't think it's them!
  12. Thanks Dave, the Honey productions (or whatever) copy. But I guess it's still an issue, not a promo? Still awaiting a 100% definite confirmation from a promo copy owner Plus a scan / photo if possible.
  13. Can anyone confirm one way or another if this exists on a promo with both titles on it, or is it just stock copies only with both titles? Jean Shy - "Roller derby world" / "What can I do I'm so in love with you" - Fantasy 766 As far as I can tell the A Side, "Roller derby world" exists on two different promos, same release number but probably from different pressing plants as the layouts are different. These are both mono / stereo copies of the one song. But I can't find any promos that feature both sides. Yet there's one promo showing on Discogs with both titles listed, but it's only showing the label scan for the A side, so doesn't really confirm it as being genuine or just a typing error. So if anyone knows for sure, I'd be interested to know. Oh, a picture to confirm it would also be nice! Here's issue:
  14. Is this it? https://youtu.be/ofjkwXSJD88
  15. There's also another female version by Ruby Andrews on Zodiac, but I can't recall a male version off hand?
  16. Very hard to pick a 'best ever' but Freddie Hughes Wand LP, Darrel Banks "Here to stay", Gladys Knight & The Pips "Everybody needs love", Tammi Terrell "Irresistable" along with most of Linda Jones albums are well up there! There's loads more that fall close that no doubt will get a mention by someone.
  17. Here's a few more we haven't had: Impressions - We must be in love - Jamaican (I think) Same as above but from Italy The sleeve for the Italian copy Chairmen of The Board - Pay to the piper - Argentina promo Flip side - Bless you Gladys Knight & The Pips - You've lost that lovin' feelin' - Holland
  18. Isn't that Samson & Delilah in Manships book Pete? I though you knew everything :-) Seriously, I have a copy, not your thing I guess, but I've had mine quite a few years and I have no idea of the current real world price for it anyway. I think I gave about a tenner or so for it, which includes postage as well. It did get a few plays here and there a couple of years back, so there may well be a sale for you if the right person sees it for sale.
  19. It's confession time for me, although I knew of and had seen this record probably since the 70's. I only actually heard it last year! I have had the odd look around for it since, but none have shown up - as you say. So maybe not in any real big demand as such but they certainly aren't around at present are they!
  20. I suspected it was one of Simon 'S' creations - but never had it confirmed. A potential Soul Fox release perhaps?
  21. I've got both Spyder and Richie's versions but as only one vote is allowed have gone for Spyder, probably because I knew it before the other. But I like them both... in different ways.
  22. I think the original question was aimed along the lines of whereabouts in the country that type of music was getting played - before it was actually known as northern?
  23. That's the side I got it for as well, great side in my opinion! I've not seen one recently, but they do turn up on Ebay from time to time. But I get the feeling quite a few people are chasing it as they always go and generally with a few bidders on them. I'll keep an eye out for you though.
  24. I've one from Spain - 8th Day, "You've got to crawl" / "It' instrumental to be free" plus an Argentinian Capitol copy of Chairmen of the Board's " Pay to the piper" / "Bless you" But does the Agentinian release actually count as it's not on the Invictus label itself? Also, I forgot to mention a New Zealand copy of the above 8th Day single.
  25. Coming from South Yorkshire, I guess I can't avoid coming under the 'northerner' group. But as I left school in 1970 aged 16 (going on 17) I worked in a factory, but never considered it mundane or bleak as the TV programmes give the impression. Maybe it was because I was An apprentice learning a trade, I don't really know? Anyway, the places I went to prior to and after leaving school, did play soul music, from new released Stax, Atlantic, Hot Wax, Invictus things mixed in with Motown and what I found out a little later, the older things - well 4 to 5 years older was a long time then! They were things which had filtered out from the all nighters around the area, which would have been The Mojo, Twisted Wheel, and lots more which have been documented many times in the past. It was just referred to as soul music as far as I recall, nothing else. Certainly not Northern, although I do remember Dave Godins articles using the 'Northern' term, I just assumed he was referring to people from the North, not particularly defining the musical style as such, although it obviously did happen later. I remember my first venture to an all nighter being a disaster as a mate and myself decided to go to Crewe to Up The Junction - the night they decided there was no longer going to be any there! That would have been in 1972. I can't recalling hearing the ' northern' term used out and about until after then, maybe during the next few years and that was mainly used by the younger kids who would then be hearing it after it started getting more popular / widely played after Wigan started getting in the papers etc. But it's quite a few years back now, so maybe others remember it differently?

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