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bri pinch

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Everything posted by bri pinch

  1. their other gemini star 45...i didn't know how to..... is a £150 touch, been a few moons since i saw a decent one of these in that price bracket...
  2. The Flip...used to have a red Philtown copy many moons ago, another one that got away i guess
  3. Sure this is/was a thread about bargains...if so, last week bort a copy of THE DELLS - THINKING ABOUT YOU - CADET DEMO VG+ for a fiver
  4. Dunno really, a grand maybe for a decent copy, like the others on La Salle, never shows up
  5. also came out in brazil as a 33 rpm single as well as the ep anybody heard this other nice 70t's dancer by him?
  6. if he did spit it out peter, i'm sure he'd catch it again foor it hit the carpet
  7. you may have got one off our dave, mate, i know we had a couple and both have gone in the last year or so
  9. have you looked on gemm or musicstack mate
  11. can't believe i just heard this from kev thomas, god, no words spring to mind at this point :(
  12. probably was for a black issue, H, but hundreds of w'demos about, and they still get decent money
  13. sounds about right bro
  14. for a wand issue, who knows as i personally, have never seen one...bit like i never seen an ivories demo would say a couple of hundred for a karma copy and a ton and half for a wand demo.
  15. when you got the two copies at hand they dont look anything alike
  16. Yes, Having had both, i would say i didn't notice any difference if any
  17. also on a belgian 45, had multiples of the german, dutch and french ones
  18. nice versions by Al Green and Clem Curtiis too, then again it's such a clsssy song, the's not many could fook it up
  19. really sorry to hear that john, it stinks to high heaven
  20. come to think of it most dutch motown 45's i,ve come across have had the centres dinked, must have been common practice.
  21. three copies of WETIC on popsike this year, M- £272, M- £155, and an E+ £206, also two acetate copies, back end of last year, one listed as fair $480 (19/12/11) and another listed as G+ $171 (30/12/11), both used the same scan tho.
  22. the dutch copy has a push out centre steve, so maybe not the only country of origin, b side is also good things
  23. Don't take what i say tho Steve, know bugger all me
  24. got stung just last week for $40 on a $500 record, don't know why this was as the seller did,nt say on the parcel, however the parcel was akin to the size of a juggernaut, this may be the reason why

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