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bri pinch

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Everything posted by bri pinch

  1. wouldn,t have thought there would be any reason to boot this anyway. there,s always been plenty of copies about, but then again you would expect that from a chart record. best, bri.
  2. few more ABC goodies worth checking out. trends- gonna have to show you. lockets- the boy next door. ruby and the ronantics- only heaven knows. pure class. best,bri.
  3. a bloody fortune i would,ve thought, john. not seen an original copy for centuries. one of the hardest arctic releases ,imo.maybe £150- £200. best regards, bri.
  4. not a bad little choon, but i think it lost a bit of credibility in my eyes when girl,s aloud covered it . best, bri.
  5. these guys may have looked well worn, even in their 60t,s heyday but joe pope was only 63 when he died in 1996, thus only making him only 21 when he sang those legendary words....... hey girl don,t bother me........................... best, bri.
  6. it was steve wright in the afternoon who played jnr walker... thought mi fone were ringing coz it,s ma ringtone. best, bri.
  7. yep... posted a 45 out today. lady behind counter quoted 65pence for 1st class and 55pence for 2nd. best,bri.
  8. i think jerry fuller demo....£80 to £100 billy joe royal..................£15 to £25 best, bri
  9. not my cup o char at all :angry: . not in the same league as anthony and del sonics...everytime or appreciations...it,s better to cry. good point about attracting some new blood to the scene tho,
  10. hi ken, take it ya dint buy any othose corkers from a dealer then, cos most of em would be 20 quiders , and wouldn,t qualify for this thread eh. best, bri.
  11. how will you know wot they are if they,ve been forgotten . besides there,s a lot of jocks (not our mates over the border) even some of the main players playin, some really average 60t,s stuff. i love soul music in general and it,s always sad to hear people pigeon hole-ing and labeling stuff, anyroad life dint stop in 1969 :angry: . best, bri. (not particularly a 70t,s bloke).
  12. bag of cheap and nasty :angry: contrived and manufactured shite (IMHO) bri.
  13. uesd to have a v.i.p multi coloured demo of the lollipops, cheating is telling on you, same song both sides. twas styrene wi MR stamp and delta #. only sold it cos i got t,issue wi need your love. best bri.
  14. am the same age as ma twin bro . bri.
  15. r it is bro... theres afew copies of,t lp for sale on gemm. best, bri.
  16. weldon irvine,,,, i love you ....r.c.a victor not too well known doncha think. best, bri
  17. haunted... dusty springfield ....98 cents off the bay. cheapest luvlly in my play box . best, bri
  18. slightly off the brit motown topic , i always thought the multi coloured us promo,s were mainly west coast presses. best, bri.
  19. think it,s a 75 quid yellow demo, 100 for a black one. nice little choon covered up as timi yuro, tho she sounds more like brenda lee. don,t see it too often these days. best, bri .
  20. neither side is the best in the world (IMO), but manship rates this @ 200 quid ,tho he listed it @ 300 a couple of months ago. best, bri.
  21. i don,t care if it,s worth a grand or a quid, i autograph all my records best, bri.
  22. . bri.
  23. I Think Sam Williams sounds better at 33rpm anyway, IMHO . SOULTWINZ (inc).
  24. yeh!, i,d say so. it was common practice for the majors, decca, columbia, rca, mgm etc to press a couple of thousand demo,s of each release, dish em out to radio stations and if any of them made any sort of noise, then further issue copies were pressed up. the demures single died a particularly nasty death, mainly due to lack of any such airplay so only limited amounts of stock copies were sent out, demos turn up from time to time (about 400 quid nowadays). i,d rate the issue about 600. best, bri.
  25. I,ve got a Decca 78 rpm disc of Pinky and Perky complete with p/s, doin, versions of Tom Dooley and The Velvet Glove. They,re absolutely immense .

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