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bri pinch

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Everything posted by bri pinch

  1. JACK MONTGOMERY £250 - £300 BILLY HAMBRIC £200 - £250 My take for what it's worth mate
  2. ...and chances are if JM auctioned one it would sell for a bit more than £900
  3. Sorted, now, thanks Vance
  4. the richie haven version actually pre dates spyder turners version by several months, written by gordon lightfoot, tho i never heard his version of the song.
  5. italian dig it 45... some juke box promos, have abba fernando on the flip
  6. same as doug banks ????, never heard that one
  7. i agree..but theres non kickin aboot
  8. remember seeing a copy of levon and the hawks, he don't love you on canadian black atco too
  9. see post 44 for a scan of headline news, certainly rememeber seing copies of laura lee, ]and edwin's SOS on ebay down the years
  10. had it and sold it a couple of times when it was a fiver
  11. would have thort that value would be about the same, tho it's infinitely rarer
  12. i got one of those craig, also donald jenkins somebody help me on regency, freddie houston, chills and fever also came out on regency..steinways came out on spartan
  13. used to have a bunny sigler, for crying out loud on canadian decca Bri Pinch
  14. Looking for a nice cheap copy of this if anybody got one they want to part with Bri Pinch
  15. think the contempo one isnt from belgium bro, thort it wor french or dutch
  16. ted...it's a major issue
  17. think brad, will be bookin his holiday, about now
  18. fookinell https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150972062528?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  19. same backing, but willies vocal just edges it, personally for me
  20. think craig has got the 2nd/later press in stock, but not the orig.
  21. what about this one, overpriced ????? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/310548857587?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

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