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bri pinch

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Everything posted by bri pinch

  1. C'mon folks, ya know the score by now if there's any doubt.......... Bri. .
  2. Stemmons Express on Wand , can't recall ever seeing an issue. Bri.
  3. A few for me this week... Delegates of soul - I'll keep running back - Uplook.1st copy £10..2nd £25 this one too much. Natural four - I thought you were mine- ABC W/D. as above :angry: . Chubby Checker - Looking at tomorrow - Parkway W/D. Rock Candy - Alone with no love - Dontee W/D..Used to have it as the Contemplations but....... Life - Tell me why - Reprise. Charisma Band - Ain't nothin' like your love - Buddah D. Archie Bell - Tighten up - Atlantic W/D Lp. Ah well....bed time .here's looking at tomorrow. Best Bri.
  4. Would like to own all the versions o' this tune but i probably couldn't afford a Nate Evans at the mo . Bri.
  5. Eeeeeeasy tiger. . Bro.
  6. Don't forget Ron Broomfield who had a UK top 20 hit in 84 under the name of Eugene Wilde.... Gotta get you home tonight, also recorded under the name of Simplicious...Let her feel it. All the Broomfields were in a group called Life in the early 80,s. Best Bri.
  7. I think he,s got the nought in the wrong place . Bri.
  8. As above Russ sounds shite on that Mp3. You probably got Juan,s mexican screamin' vesion jus like ev,rybody else. got a couple o' mates got that who..ll give several limbs to swap 4 my version. . Bri.
  9. Gotta agree with the gash on this one. Satin on Shell by far 'n' away the best version 'o' this one. Those backing vocals just kill the record stone dead for me. bit like Tempos versus Joe Matthews sorto thing. Best Bri.
  10. bri pinch


    Kin great that a track o' this calibre is finally startin to get the recog it deserves. Best Bri.
  11. Bluddyell ...How can anybody appreciate listenin to ow.t on that quality of MP3 is beyond me . I'm off to give mi muffled jabro 7'' a spin . Best BRI.
  12. Ev,rytime i hear Coke Escovedo.....Rebirth or Would'nt change a thing.... gets me to the spot . Best Bri.
  13. T. N. T. Always a strange sort o' tempo 4 me, bit 2 old school i'm afraid. Best Bri.
  14. yeah russ that,s because everybody.s got juan,s mexican screaming version .got cloth ears y'all . bri.
  15. If i remember, did'nt Sweet and easy/Back trackin come out as a 45 on Share back in 69. Think you're right about the Chris Bartley thing. I know he did alot of session work for Van down the years. Got a 45 from 1978 on MCA called My favourite fantasy by Van but it sounds like the same vocalist as on these trax. Best Bri. PS. Help is on the way still best track .
  16. Totally wrong guys. Juan's vocal and version is truly awful. Debbie's is tops. Suppose you all have to make do with second best eh! . Bri.
  17. You got to be willing, you betcha. Prefer t'other side tho'. Best 50 quid i ever spent . Very very happy days . Best Bri.
  18. Eyup Derek . My fave track on the lp is Help is on the way. I always thought it was Van himself who sang the vocal on these trax tho i could be wrong. Still you're reet tho' tis a great lp. (ps. my copy is on australian SSS Int). Best,Bri.
  20. JM auctioned one this year and got over 400 quid for it if my memory serves me (it normally does'nt) there was one on the bay last week as buy it now for 200 USD but it did'nt sell. also a friend of mine recently got one off the bay for 80 quid or so. best, bri.
  21. if i won the euro millions lottery the first record on my list would be the limelights- dont leave me baby on uncle. but i've got more chance of winning the lottery than finding a copy of this record . bri.
  22. missed a couple of soul nites this weekend (ponds forge and whitley bay) due to the fact i got an abcess in me gob and ive just had to cut mi ead off to get shut o the P-A-I-N. all the best from the neck down, BRI.
  23. Don't forget the UK original is on Atlantic tho'. Best regards, BRI.
  24. Not many for me this week, but i got: Douglas and Lonero - This Time - R C A. Jesus Alvarez - Please Stay Don't Go - Vibration. Albert Jones - Fifteen Cent Love - Kapp W/D. Lori Burton - Breakout - Mercury W/D Lp. Demures - Raining Teardrops - Canadian Brunswick. Happy days, BRI.
  25. Another Veep goodie that don't get played much is Johnny Dunn's Your'e Hanging Me Up. Pure class never heard in the northern soul graveyard that is South Yorkshire. Best Bri.

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