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bri pinch

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Everything posted by bri pinch

  1. Our Christmas Cracker...With the Original Doncaster Chillout crew of David Pinches, Joe Lakin, John Buckley and Brian Pinches.. and featuring special guests, Fred Benson and Dave Halsall This event will start at Mid-day
  2. With the Original Chillout Crew of David Pinches, John Buckley, Brian Pinches and Joe Lakin.. with specials guests the Can You Dig It crew of Nick McKinnon and Michael M Taylor
  3. With the original Doncaster chillout crew of David Pinches, Ian Johnson, Joe Lakin and Brian Pinches.. and featuring special guests Mark Whiteley and Susan Spiby-Wade... note. this event starts at mid day.. not 13:00 as listed.. for some reason can't change it...
  4. yes it is mate
  5. was one in a sales box at the H&G for £10 several years back..just missed it.. that ended up on a TB auction i believe
  6. Our Anual Xmas Cracker.... With the regular Sunday Chillout crew of David Pinches, Ian Johnson, Joe Lakin and Brian Pinches...with special guests Arthur Fenn, Dean Roach and Derek White
  7. With the regular Sunday Chillout crew of David Pinches, Ian Johnson, Joe Lakin and Brian Pinches...with special guests Kev Collins and Graham Howard
  8. Our 14th Anniversary bash, With the regular Sunday Chillout crew of David Pinches, Geordie Johnson, Joe Lakin, Little Av, Brian Pinches, Steve Mank and Mick Waddington... and featuring special guests Dale Plummer, Mick and Mandie Daniel, Calvin "Doc" Brown and Carl Hedberg
  9. With the regular Sunday Chillout crew of David Pinches, Ian Johnson, Joe Lakin and Brian Pinches...with special guests TBA
  10. With the regular Sunday Chillout crew of David Pinches, Ian Johnson, Joe Lakin and Brian Pinches...with special guests TBA
  11. With the regular Sunday Chillout crew of David Pinches, Ian Johnson, Joe Lakin and Brian Pinches...with special guests John Clements and Paul Dallison
  12. pick up a Garnet Mimms, studio version of As Long As I Have You.. on the French 45, for 30 Euro.. was several years ago..still had a good drink out of it tho
  13. With the regular Sunday Chillout crew of David Pinches, Ian Johnson, Joe Lakin and Brian Pinches...with special guests Russ Steele and Gaz Steele
  14. With the regular Sunday Chillout crew of David Pinches, Ian Johnson ,Joe Lakin and Brian Pinches...with Special guests Mark Hopes and Mark Coe
  15. or somebody banging on an anvil in the background
  16. have it on a vinyl press as opposed to the regular styrene copies
  17. sold an original styrene issue t'other week £150
  18. Hurt me neck..lol
  19. and of course Come Tomorrow is a cover version of a soul tune..Marie Knight i think .Persionally think it's a great tune,,whatever genre it's it is...or in this case isn't Mike D'Abo was the lead singer on Invitation..and he joined the Manfreds shortly after
  20. RIP Joe, Condolences to your family and friends
  21. Sha la la la ying tong diddle i poo.. strewth, would expect two copies of Mixed Feelings for that result
  22. RIP Ockers you fought a brave fight, the pain has gone and you can rest easy :(
  23. Mono copies are a lot rarer than stereo copies... had both, personally thought the stereo copies sounded poor in comparison

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