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Everything posted by Bridgey

  1. Two great sets there Dereck. I thoroughly enjoyed the night. Loved your first set (Mainly R&B) and then a great mix up for you second set. Great to here pal. See you at Bridlington. Bridgey
  2. Harry, Sell it to the one who offers you the most money. Don't give it away. Good luck. Bridgey
  3. Really sad to hear the devastating news of a true gentleman. I'd only known Chris for the past 6/7 years & can honestly say he was a real friend to everyone who knew him. Never heard him say a bad word about anyone, he was the type of guy who just got on with life laughing & joking. Our thoughts go out to Carol & family. RIP Chris. Bridgey & Linda.
  4. Celest Hardie went for £600 on JM Auction
  5. Celest Hardie is a steel at £400. Needs snapping up at that.
  6. Hi Don, If you get back word on the Eugene Jefferson & they decide not to have it. I'll have it. Cheers Bridgey
  7. Gino Parks - For This I Thank You. Please PM me with details: Price P&P Condition of Record & Label How you would like payment ie; PayPal etc. Many thanks, Bridgey
  8. Hi Brownie, I'll have the Carl Hall mate. I'm working away at the moment, I'll bell you tomorrow to pay for it. Regards, Bridgey
  9. Hi Martin, I'll take the Originals from you mate if you still have it. Don't post it, I'll get it from you at Inner Soul next month (If that's Okeh with you)? Regards, Bridgey
  10. I'm guessing that was a stock copy (what condition?). I do know that the Promo Gaz is selling is a really nice record and a rare promo.
  11. You should be able to pick up a stock copy Dave, not too sure what they are going for nowadays, I've not seen one for sale for a while. They (stock copy) were going for £250+, but a Promo is a very rare record. Good luck, hope you get one mate.
  12. Awesome record Gaz, you don't seem to hear it much now, I'm guessing most copies are in collections now. As for the Promo. Very rare. Good luck with you sale & all the best for 2013.
  13. Nice.... Very rare to see a Promo. Is it same both sides?
  14. Hi Everyone, I'm looking for a nice clean copy of: Gino Parks - For This I Thank You. Please PM me with Price (incl p&p) - Condition etc, etc. Many Thanks, Hope you all have a fantastic 2013. Bridgey
  15. Bridgey

    A Few Gems

    I don't want to interfere with your sales thread, but it might help if: 1. Introduce yourself, I see that this is your first post and it's sales. People would like to buy from you in confidence (i.e.; know a little about you), well I would and I do buy allot from the SS sales thread. 2. Rather than just naming some of the records and your e-mail address, why not list them on here with the usual buyer needs: i.e.; Price, Condition, P&P charges etc, etc Good luck in your sales, Bridgey
  16. Dave, My wants list changes every other week... LOL. I have a day dream wants list and a reality one... LOL. Bridgey
  17. Ayup Spot, Hope all's well mate, not seen you for a while. Good point by the way. I have Nolan Chance on Constellation and play it with pride, however, if you know the person that has the Bunky copy.... Ask do they want to swap with me..LOL, LOL. Take Care, hopefully catch up soon, Bridgey...
  18. Nice set there Jimmy. In The Long Run - Curtis Blandon. Shame it doesn't get played more, you rarely here it nowadays. Bridgey
  19. Nice oldies set Dave, including a few forgotten oldies that you don't hear every week. You said you couldn't afford an Original Ann Sexton on 77. Yours is the "Yellow" first issue.. So, you have one.. LOL Bridgey
  20. I DJ-d in the Main Room (Fri & Sun) & Rare Room (Sat & Sun). Here is my playlist from what I can remember on Saturday Night - (Rare Room) Not in any order, it's took me ages to remember, I even had to search through my records I took with me, to jog my memory. Billy Thompson -­" Black Eyed Girl (Wand) Bobby Treetop -­" Wait Till I Get To Know You (Tuff, Demo) Stanley Mitchell — Quit Twistin’ My Arm (Dynamo, Demo) Joe Valentine — I Lost The Only Love I Had (VAL) HB Barnum — It Hurts To Much Too Cry (RCA) Doug Banks — Ain’t That Just Like A Woman (Guyden, Demo) Dorothy Berry — You Better watch Out (Planetary) Minnie Jones — Shadow Of A Memory (Sugar) Paul Thompson — Special Kind Of Woman (Volt) Emanuel Laskey — (I’ve Got To) Run For My Life (Thelma, Demo) Herb Johnson — Carfare Back (Arctic) Billy Storm — Please Don’t Mention Her name (HBR) Survivors - Good Baby (Valli) Bobby Day — Pretty Little Girl Next Door (RCA) Little Jimmy Scott — It rained 40 days & Nights (Giant) Van Dykes — Save My Love For A Rainy Day (Mala) Jean Carter — I Bet You (Sunflower) Len Jewell — Bettin’ On Love (Fontana) The Whispers — You Got To Man Your Hands (Dore) Intruders — All The Time (Excel) Geater Davis -­" My Love Is So Strong For You (House Of Orange) Shawn Robinson — My Dear Heart (Minit) J J Daniels — Mr. Lonesome (Sure Shot) Rex Garvin — Queen Of The Go Go (Tower, Demo) Kelly Brothers - Love Time (SIM, Demo) Bridgey.
  21. I have attached a MP3 of the record. Hope this helps Kirsty. Bridgey.. x I'll Cry Alone - Gale Garnett.mp3
  22. I personally know Kirsty & Dee. Two very honest genuine people on the scene. Who I might add, don't normally sell records. This record is bang on the money and a brilliant track too. Someone needs to snap it up at £35.
  23. Somebody needs to snap the; "Dorothy Berry - You Better Watch Out" up at £40. Double sider. Flip side : Ain't That Love. Top choon as well.
  24. PM'd you Paul. Cheers Bridgey
  25. I found one here on Soul Source for you Dukesy. Posted 2 days ago, he might still have it mate. Good luck in your search......... Bridgey

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