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corby john

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Everything posted by corby john

  1. Good grief, Solatio's were indeed the footwear of choice, especially here in Corby. they were excellent to wear, & you had to have them quarter tipped aswell. wore them for many years & progressed onto the "diamond fronts".......those were the days!! cheers, john mc.
  2. The Three Degrees - Contact.......not heard it played out since Jesus was an altar boy !! cheers, john mc.
  3. Ed Summers - I Can Tell.......worth £20 of anyones money!! (same backing track as Joe Anderson -You & I ) cheers, john mc.
  4. Thanks Ali, info much appreciated. we have found a Harold Burrage mint demo. cheers, john mc.
  5. hi all, two pals looking for the following tunes: The mighty lover - The Ideals 50 /50 - Harold Burrage any info on prices & availability please?? thanks in advance, john mc.
  6. good reply, but that's my point..............stop having a dig at them, as it only brings you down to their level!! If certain people have "invented" a soul past in order to attain some sort of credability, then they are the sad ones are they not? Those that did attend will surely know that anyway?? let them be "fake" dj's or "dodgy promoters", cause if that is true, then the paying public will soon find out!! i am hoping to be @ Rushden on sat night, why......cause i'm interested in what it will be like, as previous Rushden do's have generally been good......if someone turns up in baggies & patches, then it will not bother me, as i'm there for me to enjoy it, not worry what others have or have not done. hope you enjoyed Burnley, and lets hope that sat night is a good one. cheers, john mc.
  7. hi Ian, when you bought the tune first time around, wasn't there still rationing / blackouts / bombs dropping etc, & how did you managed to pay for it out of your Home Guard wages???????? have a good anniversary night on sat, hope all goes well!! see you around, john mc.
  8. a good point well made Terry, i totally agree with you on this, however, you can't blame Joe Public for having the stereotypical view of Northern Soul being all about vests /patches & baggies etc, because as you said, they were not on the Soul scene, but thats probably the view that every T.V. documentry has given them e.g. This England etc!! i too think that the baggies et al, look ridiculous today,with 40inch bottoms meeting 40inch waists, but i know others that love wearing them & as it's not life threatingly important, who cares?? Wether we like it or not, these clothes will always remain intertwined with our soul history, as will Scooters, Wigan Casino etc, etc. just remember Terry, you have your right to your opinion, as others do to their's, that's why forum's such as these work well, your points are well made & passionate, but you ruin it for me when you take digs at other people because their points differ from your's. so what if someone never went to Wigan, neither did I, but i have done a lot of the well known others, doesn't make me anyless of a soul fan i.m.h.o. & that's what it's all about................opinions!! cheers, john mc.
  9. hi guy's, many thanks for the info, i will pass it on to him. cheers, john mc.
  10. hi there, friend of mine in P.boro' is looking for the following tune: Doris Smith - No mean guy. ( he's not sure what label it's on, or the cost of the tune.....can you help please?) also need a copy of Jr.Walker - Tune up. many thanks, john mc.
  11. hi guy's, thanks for that, those prices were not far off what i'd thought. many thanks, john mc.
  12. hi guy's, need your expert opinions on the following: Epitome of sound - you dont love me- Sandbag issue. condition would be vg+..... to sell? The Millionaires- and the rains came - speciality .........to purchase. many thanks, john mc.
  13. hi there, P.m'd you. cheers, john mc.
  14. Not for me, but to each his own. probably pick up plays at some do's, as we've had Frank Popp, Lisa Stansfield etc, so why not the Modfather? must admit that the backing does sound like early Dexy's tunes!! aas i said, not for me, but can see some of the younger Mod / Weller crowd picking it up. cheers, john.
  15. seen one for sale @ £15.00, but £2.00 sounds better to me, so any chance of its wherabouts please? regards, john.
  16. well said Mr. Such, points well made i.m.h.o. what are my pet hates..........those who give their opinion, but then castigate others for theirs if they are not in agreement!!! regards to all, john mc.
  17. hows it going there mr.quinn? hope all is well with the Belfast Soul Club. we were up in Bonnyrigg for the easter alldayer, living proof that the soul scene is alive and very well in Scotland too!! seems ages since we were over at your do. take care, john mc dade.

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