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Everything posted by Wulfie09

  1. I've heard three versions - Men from Macon instrumental Robert Thomas and a female vocal think its was by Rita Lee ? Wulfie
  2. SOME EXCELLENT PRICES THERE - AND GREAT TUNES - trouble is I've already got the ones I want ( and paid higher ) -
  3. awesome tune - good price
  4. Wulfie09


    thanks mate
  5. Wulfie09


    Should this be in auctions ? or am I missing something here
  6. agree with Fluff - and at a good price - mine has label damage but plays perfect the Barbara Starr is also a cracker
  7. pm'ed Craig
  8. one on Ebay currently
  9. Thanks mate- I have seen a couple on Ebay and cheap - must be boots then I would think
  10. Looking for Dena Barnes - If you ever walked out of my life - Inferno original and Nolan Chance -Just like the weather - Constellation in VG+ or better please Not sure on the Bunky release of Nolan Chance - is this a legit issue or a boot ? Cheers Wulfie
  11. fantastic prices on some of those tunes cannot believe Wes and the Airedales so cheap !!
  12. Great doublesider - Too late to check your trap on the other side - well worth the money you are asking mate Just got rid of my Crajon copy recently - but would never let this one go for its versatility Wulfie
  13. Thanks for the PM's guys - all sorted now - when she gives me the money - lol Dave
  14. Looking for a copy of this for Annie's box What price does it go for nowadays ? Wulfie
  15. Not only is the shop great but he provided a box of maltesers for my dog ! - Ace visit Wulfie
  16. Great spots Jock - hope it were a great night too - lovely venue and soulful crew Wulfie
  17. Jean Dushon for me please Des , would have had Mickey Murray too but got here too late Wulfie
  18. so did Frankie Baggot and Kevin Make it in the endRIP MAX And to all the Wolverhampton crowd you done the man proud, Wekk Done.. DAVE KILWORTH
  19. Sentiments are echoed in this house Ken. Anne and I and countless others are distaught by the sad news that we have lost such a wonderful man, friend and to some of us mentor. It will take a long time for us to get our heads round this. Condolences to Linda, James and Katy. Rest In Peace Mate XX Dave and Annie
  20. pm'd you mate Wulfie
  21. David Ruffin Dutch version also has "Can't stop the rain" on the other side - superb tune and an excellent price !! Wulfie

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