GLORIA IRVING - I Need A Man (Cobra) G+ $175 SOLD
Super rare exotic / latin accented female vocal R&B on the Chicago indie. Incredibly hard to track down. This copy is rough looking but plays above it's grade, I've DJed it out a number of times and always comes across pretty strongly on a system. Just recently acquired a copy in better condition, but am really having to pay for it! This has only gone through ebay a couple of times, both times in this kind of condition, both times for more money than this. I heard of one copy in strong condition that I think went somewhere near the thousand euro mark...
As I say, it's not a high end collector copy by any means, but this record just doesn't show up full-stop and this one is perfectly DJ-able in my opinion - well, I've spun it a fair amount, even put it on mixes etc and no complaints! Some pops and ticks as you'll hear, but the music is still fairly strong.
PM or email liamlarge at hotmail dot com to reserve. Paypal gift preferred
Here's a scan and full clip, no tinkering obviously, what you see / hear is what you get.
Gloria Irving - I Need A Man.mp3