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Mr Outsider

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    Irma Thomas

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  1. the profiting off the postage is surely a bit of a pisstake imo, don't know any other dealers, or any online sellers at all, that charge 'handling' fees... then again I'm sure someone on the thread will quickly correct me and advise us of how fortunate we should all count ourselves to be getting such a fantastic service from such a true legend, and if anything we should be paying more for it.
  2. Whatever else anyone says, it simply wasn't true when JM said the orders were being done chronologically. The fact that you're still waiting since December and others in this very thread have placed and received orders more recently puts that to bed.
  3. I'm not sure why some people seem to be taking customer reviews directed at JM personally? If you're happy with your transactions in the sale, by all means wax lyrical, fairs fair. But if other people aren't as happy, for whatever reasons, I'm sure they are entitled to their opinions based on their experiences, and I'm sure JM's business will survive!
  4. No, I said that lots of people are reporting receiving approx half of what they ordered, so it seems to be happening routinely
  5. not sure how many other dealers would get away with routinely filling 50% of orders and yet still claim ringing endorsements from some, tbf.
  6. tbf, if you'd ordered weeks ago on discogs and not heard back yet, you'd also be waiting for your 50% refund, so the loan comment kind of checks out as far as discogs goes. The website had a code for the half off, it isn't Manship's fault that discogs doesn't offer a similar system at check out, though this isn't the main cause for the griping here in any case
  7. There is a frustration, yes, in having a lot of money tied up for a prolonged period, when other people on this very thread have received orders placed weeks later, in spite of clear statements that the processing is being done chronologically. That's quire frustrating. Given some of the things you've said. I wonder have you placed any orders at all? Happy new year to you also!
  8. What comments were mean? I can see how many listings he has on discogs and on his site. The rest of what I wrote is basic common sense. Why do you want to know how many records I've ordered?
  9. Lol, calm down. He might have 4 million records in his storage, but if they aren't listed you can't buy them, can you. He has approx 100k titles listed, I imagine quite a few of those in multiple copies. He doesn't have 4 million records listed in his sale.
  10. Perhaps theoretically. In reality, he has approx 100k items listed for sale. Presumably these are catalogued so that they can be found quickly, just like any other online business with a large inventory.
  11. I've got orders from 26th and 27th I haven't heard anything on. Others seem to be getting orders within a few days. There doesn't seem to be much by way of rhyme or reason
  12. 20 quid would be more than double the actual regular cost for special delivery on that package, not taking into consideration the lower rates for royal mail business accounts.
  13. Yes, I've never experienced such high postage charges. Not sure what the extra money is going towards, certainly not a speedy delivery!
  14. managing your inventory is a basic element of retail, besides which many people are reporting unavailable items listed as in stock on the website.
  15. the only response I've received so far is one not available, so maybe not!

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