I was the very first DJ in the mod room. We all went, one Sunday and the DJ never turned up. The owner announced to us all in the entrance that the mod disco will have to be cancelled, unless anyone can operate decks. My two mates piped up that I could (I used to dj at our school youth centre!). He asked me if I could do it and some local mods/modettes went home to get some records for me to play. I had laryngitis at the time but the owner wasn’t bothered. He said just play music. He paid me £10 an hour and I did it regular from then on. It only lasted for a short time though. I’ve got my name on an album. It’s a northern soul album. I think it was called “Best of Locarno”. It’s a double album and on the inside cover there’s a load of flyers. My name is spelt wrong (one r). It says Gary and Kenny (my old mate Kenny Hickman). Great memories.