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Everything posted by Davemac3

  1. Oops cheers, missed that one Very recently /30yrs-w...Now-t91137.html
  2. I don't get out and about much these days so I was wondering what the top 5 sounds are around the country at the moment. So folks please post what you think are the top 5 sounds at the moment. All the better if they are on Refosoul so that I can hear what I'm missing! Cheers#
  3. Mick, This is the best one although you can see from the ridiculous price that it is not easy to get hold of https://www.amazon.co.uk/Soul-Master-Miles-...ks_all_1#disc_1 The early classics one is good too
  4. anybody having problems getting into HMV's website? I've had problems for a few days and I normally get most of my CDs from there
  5. I find HMV.com as good as anywhere, Kent CDs are reasonable, I think about £8.99 with free postage and I think £7.99 when first released. O/T rednose is that picture Alan Birch? Not a Spireite are you?
  6. Link below https://www.cityofchicago.org/city/webporta...meEnumValue=159 Its a free festival held every year in a park on the Lakeside in Chicago. I have been to Chicago a couple of times but unfortunately not when the Blues festival is on. They also have a gospel festival each year
  7. How about this for 75mins entertainment at this years Chicago Blues Festival and it's free Friday, June 6, 2008 "Sweet Home Chicago" 6:00-7:15 - "Blasts From the Past" featuring Ruby Andrews, Cicero Blake, and Sugar Pie DeSanto with Willie Henderson
  8. Try this site for CDs from Japan (in English) https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/(mint)/index.html
  9. Just been listening to the Johnny Moore CD on Grapevine and it get's better every time I hear it. I wasn't familiiar with most of the tracks on the CD before I bought it, but it's quality all the way through, worth a tenner of anybody's money. Got me thinking, what's the best tenner you've spent on soul music? Dave
  10. Do you have to stay on site, or can you stay where you like?
  11. Every time I listen to this station I seem to be the only one! You could do worse than have it on in the background whilst surfing the web. There are some cool label scans as well. DM
  12. Just been listening to this for the last 30mins, sounds pretty good https://www.seabear.se/radio.php
  13. Everybody must have their favourite websites where they buy soul CDs, some of mine are listed below. Can anybody recommend any more? https://www.dustygroove.com/ https://www.soulsearchingplus.co.uk/index2.html https://www.bluebeatmusic.com/ https://www.cduniverse.com/ https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/(mint)/index.html (for those japanese reissues) https://www.amazon.co.uk/ https://www.blahdvd.com/blah/Home.aspx DM
  14. This morning Johnny Vaughan was banging on about NS on his radio show. He featured it in his "windows down" bit just before 9am. After a big build up with the usual factual errors (e.g. the term northern soul was introduced by Dave GRodin- never heard of him) he played SOS-Edwin Starr, Ghost in My House -R Dean Taylor and Nowhere to Run - Martha Reeves and The Vandellas - mmmm Got me thinking, If you wanted the masses to get a feeling for Northern Soul what 3 tunes would you have played How about Salvadors - Stick By Me baby Edward Hamilton - Baby Don't you Weep Ruby Andrews - Just Loving You DM
  15. Hi good angel, Nice thread! My first nighter was also Samantha's in 1975, caught the train from Chesterfield. Remember the sounds Troy Keyes, Bits N pieces, Anderson Brothers, Kenny Smith, Marvin Holmes, etc DM
  16. Just got back from holiday and read this thread with interest. I gave up supporting anything to do with Kev Roberts severals ago when I "won" a competition on his radio show but the prizes changed after I had won!!! My brother also heard a recording of the show on a different Radio station and confirmed what I thought I'd won. When I mentioned this to KR we were both banned from entering future competitions ????? I told him to keep the prizes and have kept away ever since.
  17. Don't know if this topic has been covered before. I was reading a book last night (Say it One More Time for the Broken Hearted) and it said in there that Sea Cruise-Frankie Ford was released in 1959. I know this used to be played (is it played anywhere these days?). This got me wondering what the oldest record is on the Northern Scene, any advances on 1959? DM
  18. how about David Ruffin - Walk Away From Love, a bit more commercial perhaps, but I hadn't heard it for yonks when they played it at the Hemsby weekender. It filled the floor and sounded so good.

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