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Everything posted by Helena

  1. Fir-ya - Keep on tryin'/Cryin' in Iran - Star Glow ...wanted for a dj friend. Needs to be Ex or better. Not sure what he's willing to pay. Please email him with offers and questions directly at sweetfred[at]gmail[dot]com Thanks!
  2. Ice = ace For all fellow fans of crazy uptempo funky modern soul I must recommend another much cheaper Ice record (not sure if it's the same group though*, anyway...) Hard Times / Passion on Great Northwest. *Eh probably not, this one's from Seattle. Great Northwest...right.
  3. I remember uploading the soundfile a couple of months back, should be found in the refosoul database. Beautiful tune. Had it for six months (courtesy of Val ) but only played it out once for some reason. Play it at home every now and then, it's not a tune one gets tired of easily I think.
  4. Here's a soundclip also including a part of the horrible medley on the flip. Spontanes___This_heart_of_mine___Beaver.mp3
  5. Seems to be the same group according to this: https://www.heybabydays.com/Spontanes.pdf I bought that Beaver record blind (I liked the label design ), quickly selled it on. Would probably work great for a dance floor somewhere, it's uptempo and catchy, but too blue-eyed for me.
  6. I of course meant that it sounds different compared to the other versions... The lyrics etc are the same.
  7. And let's not forget the Harthon Band's superb intrumental of the more screaming Volcanos c/u (i.e. the other and better Jesse James) version (which btw is the best tune I've ever heard and has been my number one fav for as long as I can remember ). The Cliff Noble cut is obviously a totally different record, but it's for sure one of the best cheap floor fillers there are.
  8. I didn't exactly start a thread about how fantastic and rare it must be. I simply asked about it after someone had already asked about the mp3 and then others started praising it and talking about Manship's copy. After that I gave up. Maybe I didn't show as much interest because I wasn't buying records then (had to support you amongst other things ), but I did show some interest! You could've played it after I started buying records, hmpf. My language is minded.
  9. Oh silence ex-boyfriend of mine! You had this on a tucked-away cd for years and didn't tell me about it. I know you claim to, but that must have been before my ears were screwed on correctly or something. It was already a hyped record because Arthur has been playing it, which you would've known if you had set your foot outside of Sweden. The world's largest soul forum might be a good place to ask for a copy?
  10. Never! Let's just hope more copies turn up now like you said.
  11. Have you bidders lost all common sense??!! This makes me soooo frustrated. I was so close to owning a copy. (why isn't there a crying emoticon?)
  12. That would be the copy I'm talking about. Sorry, I'm really not helping you am I... Anybody got a copy? Sell it to Seamus promptly!
  13. It's included in my mix I posted in Media source yesterday. Check somewhere in the middle, piano intro. Think it's a very rare record, haven't seen another copy.
  14. Yes, believe Sebastian paid $10 for his, and then he posted it in this thread: /index.php?showtopic=37428 It's really a cheapie... but as stated somewhere else in the wants section, it's often those that prove to be the hardest ones to find. Btw, I've searched for that album for as long as the '45, I'm starting to doubt the album even exists.
  15. Yes thank you, I know. Don't think I'll be generous enough for his end price though. I bid on the one on ebay in Dec and lost and then I mixed up the end date for the one that was up a week later so forgot to bid and Arthur won it for $100 less than the first one. Spoiled the rest of my Christmas holiday...
  16. Anyone got the record for sale I'd be most grateful and generous.
  17. My friend just bought it for £60, there was one on Paul Capon's list I believe for roughly the same, one went unsold on ebay not long ago with starting bid $100, a couple of others on ebay went for about $100 recently. One apparently sold on here for £50. I rest my case.
  18. Different strokes for different folks I suppose. I'm more into 70's atm...
  19. And just to complicate things there's a 60's version of Pretenders "I call it love" with another flipside, "Feelin' good" on Carnival 550. Not at all as good as the 70's version IMO , which is Carnival 560 and a super double sider at £50.
  20. Fantastic tune! Listened to it 15 times today already. Good luck on finding a copy.
  21. When did I do that? It's a place for us to back-talk you English lot and share secret record tips, good thing your Swedish sucks.
  22. Simon, what's going on on our Swedish forum is meant to be private... This playlist was from one of his earlier appearances in Sweden, Aug 2005. Of course he didn't write this playlist himself , this is just a recollection of what we remembered him playing, so it's not in any order and probably not complete. It was a bloody great night btw.
  23. Ok, look closely at this guy's playlist.... /index.php?showtopic=46796 The best dj sets I've EVER heard. Richard definitely deserves more recognition. And I actually touched the Rouser copy.
  24. But the backing track isn't that bad... "It's my duty to spank your booty". Quality!
  25. Simon posted the soundfile on here a while ago. Search the refosoul database or whatever it's called. Can I please have the second copy after souljazera...

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