Tiscapital certainly writes eloquently and passionately - thanks for your input. As some have intimated, it’s not always possible to put your finger on why big hit tracks and DJ’s sometimes clear the floor and lesser-known tracks and DJ’s sometimes fill the floor but more often than not the opposite is usually the case. It can be a bit like a sports team play like legends one week and like amateurs the next, there’s no rhyme or reason. I think groups like the Bristol Soul Club are important in that here we have a group of youngsters who are determined to help us remember what it was like to be a wide-eyed optimistic (innocent?) teenager back in the 70’s. In my opinion it’s to be celebrated. My cousin’s rock band in London occasionally get fans turning up from far and wide having discovered the band’s online presence, it would be unfair of the band to say, “Look at these Johnny-come-latelies, they weren’t with us back in the day when we formed” - no, because those punters weren’t even born then ….duh! I think there’s some who feel they understand NS on a deeper level than most of us, they’ve discovered it’s hidden secrets and messages, there’s a special elixir only a few have access to - maybe there’s a social anthropology or political science angle that most of us don’t get? I’ll say it again, for most of us it’s a case of (a) listening to familiar stuff that takes us back to being a naive 15 yr old telling your parents you’re staying at your mate’s house then catching the train to Wigan (b) having a dance - while we’re still able to (just) and (c) if you spot one or two familiar faces it’s a bonus. I’ve enjoyed reading probably ten books on NS, most are very good and authentic - it’s good that some have documented this special piece of idiosyncratic working-class culture and it’s good that some pioneers went to the States seeking out forgotten tracks lying in flea markets and record company warehouses, this all helped to grow and expand the scene of course. As for the rest of us, we’re punters, the foot soldiers who just keep the scene alive by turning up and paying our fiver on the door or whatever in the hope that we too might be included. I’ll let myself out ….. “taxi”!!