It's a real mystery. I'll tell a funny story. In the early 80s in Liverpool I played my Black school mates In the sunshine, The Marvellos or Mighty Marvellos. I can't remember as it was obviously off a Kent lp because I was only 14. My friends fell about laughing like the Smash advert robots. That generation, that demographic which is deemed Black middle class I know for social history purposes, absolutely worshipped The Beatles and thought Soul was banal. They would probably like Jimmy Hendrix, the pop group Love or Joan Armtrading but Northern Soul was an absolute joke to them so it wasn't an issue of the colour of the artist.
The silly clothes and Johnny Reggae thing put lots of people off. Especially in what we will call for this purpose 'higher education'.
I don't think someone has ever really questioned the class statements about Northern soul. Working class can either mean born into a certain economic bracket or a complete and utter clueless pritt stick. Naughty me. It doesn't mean one thing and it certainly has been used by lazy journalists to be dismissive.
A white person can't talk for a Black's experience but there is a reason why they always thought Northern was garbage.
It's a really interesting subject.
Keep the space baby.