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arnie j

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Everything posted by arnie j

  1. interesting article,enjoyed reading it,one thing i know for sure is that collecting vinyl is extremely addictive,i start to feel a bit weird,like somethings missing if i havent bought owt in a few weeks jason
  2. had a flick through my mates copy today,looks a great book if u into the mod scene (which im not ),some cool pics,glossy pages and its contributers are all original 60s mods so all the info is from the guys who were there at the time jason
  3. look no further than the gibberish lyrics in marsha gee-the peanut duck,wa gi wa gigi gi ga goona wa gi wa gigi gigi goo,even the title of the record is crazy jason
  4. how much did this go for please ? jason
  5. some cracking stuff on them jason
  6. have a brilliant night mate,just enjoy yourself jason
  7. comeon bud,tell us what the record was jason
  8. welcome back ss,phew ! i was a bit lost for a while jason
  9. thanks bud,will read through it,hopefully it will answer my questions but will leave thread open if anyone wants to contribute jason
  10. sorry,justr realised this is in wrong forum,mods can u move to layb please ? thanks
  11. evening soul folk,i love this record,always have done,its just got something about it that i love,maybe its those horns ! anyway,is the original label GM ? how much does a real one go for now ? also does anyone know who was responsible for finding it and playing it first ? i imagine it was a big wigan spin ? i understand its a bit of a played out marmite oldie but id be interested to read about the history of this record,any help appreciated,thank you jason
  12. thanks pete,yes im fine thanks bud and trust u are well too my friend,bit of skullduggery goin on then in the early years of record dealing ! jason
  13. so soul bowl used to scratch out label adresses ? why was that ? was it so other dealers cldnt contact the labels for stock ? just wondering,thanks jason
  14. gotta be one of the best intros ever ! what a record ! a tony clayton biggie at nottingham oddfellows jason
  15. tother side of dolly & the fashions is a lovely tune ! jason
  16. the orchestral break in johnny gilliams room full of tears,brings a tear to my eye (stafford heaven),the angelic female backing singers on lee mckinneys-ill keep holding on,kills me everytime,and the whole of the just brothers go on and laugh track ! fook me does it ever get any better than this ?!!
  17. cant recommend this cd enough ! its fantastic,quality all the way through jason
  18. soul source is the number one for all things soul related,wouldnt be without it,on here every day,huge thanks to mike and the mods jason
  19. available on bbciplayer if anyone missed it jason
  20. hello rare soul freaks,lookin for a nice clean copy of this on original please,its only cheap but i want it cos its beautiful,according to a youtube vid of this the girls were only 12 and 13 years old when they recorded it ! please pm me,thank you jason
  21. evening peter,these podcasts have been fantastic and just proves that mr levine can still keep up with the big boys ,i trust alls well peter ? are u goin oddfellows re union buddy ?
  22. me too pedro
  23. yeah great lp bud,got mine at nottingham oddfellows early 80s,theres a few on here who got this,like u say great lp with some rare 60s and rare modern jason
  24. has oscar wright been re issued bud ?thanks jason
  25. thats a fantastic ammount raised for a great charity,well done to all involved jason

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