just been listening to this album again and i fookin love it ! wow,incredible that some of these records were never released,now i havent only just purchased this,in fact ive had it for a couple years now maybe but it gets better and better with every lhttps://youtu.be/HMtsOS4KlhMisten,just wanted to share that with you all
Great stuff Pete,right back to where it all began for most of us,reminds me of how fantastic these records actually are when u listen,I'd totally forgotten some of these !
yes bud,thats the one i missed,pleased for u though mate,theres plenty of copies of this to go round,and as u say,its a cracking record,im assuming they are a white group,sounds white to me anyway
hi soul folk,am after one of these,original only,just missed one for £10 so not wanting to pay over the odds,pm me please stating price and condition,thanks for yr time
i first heard this on one of paul mckays monumental podcasts and fell in love with it instantly,got one asap,goes great with archie bells love will rain on you which i also heard first on pauls podcast,two brilliant records but neither of them "northern" cheers paul
crikey ! no bullshit flanny that was fookin incredible ! phew,desperately need a tracklist though so i can lie awake at night crying over the fact that i cant afford any of these heavenly,beautiful records,thank you