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arnie j

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Everything posted by arnie j

  1. thanks mate,just posted in wants for it jason
  2. nice clean copy wanted please ? pm me,thanks jason
  3. stafford,early 80s,johnny gilliam-room full of tears,the orchestral break in the middle of the song,gear in full flow, nearly cried with happiness at that moment, i had thousands more moments like that at stafford,the happiest days of my life,fillin up now just thinking about it jason
  4. can someone tell me how much howard tates version is please ? on verve,thanks jason
  5. its on youtube bud but i dont know how to post it on here,lovely tune jason
  6. just gave it a listen bud,quality tunes indeed,a great mix of different genres,enjoyed that,thanks mate jason
  7. if he was only 13 then i claim the award for the second youngest there at 14 years old,i look like i went straight out of the womb ! lol jason
  8. thank you for the info,ill check it when i can find the bloody thing jason
  9. evening all, i ask cos im sure i got this in one of me boxes but not sure if it would be a real one,so,was it booted on backbeat or second press ? grateful for advice please,thanks jason
  10. great call bud,brilliant soul tune,love it jason
  11. the tomangoes-i really love you,....timeless tune jason
  13. cant really pick a all time top 5 but for me these would be knockin around.............. GUITAR RAY-YOU GONNA WRECK MY LIFE (STAFFORD HEAVEN) SAN FRAN SISCAN TKOS-MAKE UP YOUR MIND VOLTAIRES ? -MY MY MY BABY SANDY GOLDEN-YOUR LOVE IS EVERYTHING(OH MY GOD,INCREDIBLE) INTERNATIONALS-BEAUTIFUL PHILOSOPHY theres thousands though really,and my choices change all the time cos theres thousands of outstanding crossover tunes and thousands more we aint even heard yet ! i bloody love crossover i do jason how could i miss out RICHARD CAITON-ID LIKE TO GET NEAR YOU !! THAT WOULD DEFFO BE UP THERE
  14. to adam and dave, u dont know me but i wish everyone wld post their playlists so we can listen to the records like u guys have done, gives people like me chance to actually hear wat people are playing out these days, fookin loved it,great stuff guys, thank you jason
  15. damn ! i missed it, is there a link to their section ? jason
  16. good call ! incredible record that moves me everytime,beautiful jason
  17. done deal bud,pm me yr details please,thanks jason
  18. done deal bud,pm me yr details please,thanks jason
  19. hi soul freaks,am after this please,i no its not expensive,pm me please if u got one to go,thanks for your time jason
  20. thanks bud,quality soul music jason
  21. this is what its all about, it dont have to b e rare to be good,thanks bud jason
  22. im depending on you son,lol jason
  23. thanks mart,love the cheap ones,so much soul for so little money, anybody want to sell me one please ? jason
  24. clarence carter-i cant leave your love alone-?...........hi folks,is this a cheapie ? i no nowt bout it but just listened to mp3 and i likes this little beauty, what label please ?am hoping its cheap like lots of his stuff,thanks for your time jason

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