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arnie j

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Everything posted by arnie j

  1. spent a good 2 hours listening to these tunes,quality stuff there,very enjoyable listening experiance,thanks for that bud, jason
  2. thanks tabs and pete,so if no funds in pp it will take off card ? and theres an option on pp to choose which currency i pay by ? just to clarify like !,thanks jason
  3. hi all,im in the process of setting up a paypal account and have two questions to ask..... do i have to have funds in my actual paypal account to buy records and stuff or will it just pay the money from my bank account if theres no funds in my paypal account ? also i sometimes buy records from abroad,will the payment i send convert itself into other currencies,eg dollars etc or is there something i have to do to pay in other currencies ? any help very much appreciated,thank you jason
  4. i aint got a clue dave,not much i dont spose,hows about £20 and ill pay postage ? its not worth much is it ?vinyl is lovely,sleeve a bit dirty,let me no what u think dave jason
  5. the one i just found is called detroit a go go,its a inferno release from 1984, 8 tracks per side with the ones you mentioned,is this the one you are after ? jason
  6. give me an hour dave and ill have a look,think i may have this,will get back to you jason
  7. mike james kirkland now sold to a very nice man ! anybody want to give me a offer on the goldie johnson 45 ?,cheers jason
  8. great post bud,yeah vinyl iss definately addictive to some,no doubt about it jason
  9. very cool indeed,having not being able to afford a original of this i bought one of these and its fantastic ! beautiful hard picture cover with a cool insert and free download,and of course its a brilliant record too,other side quite nice as well jason
  10. stunning piece of soul music imo,who gets the credit for discovering/playing this first ? has this been a known tune for many years etc,?sorry but i wld like to learn more bout the history of this tune on our scene jason
  11. chris anderton after one of these bud,might be worth a pm ? jason
  12. thanks for the info nev,just checked and mine is the one with "love is" on the flip jason
  13. taking offers on both of these now,so give me a shout if anyone else is interested,thanks jason
  14. evening all,couple to go mike james kirkland-give it to me-bryan ex.. not sure of price for this so offers please (9003) goldie johnson-this dream-vault demo ex £150 these are beautiful copies and i may have downgraded the mike james kirkland cos i very rarely sell my records and not sure what mint minus should be, payment by cheque or hidden cash please,thanks jason
  15. thanks for the info dave,am considering selling these two records hence all the questions im asking,am surprised the goldie johnson fetches so much thgese days but it has got the in vogue funky vibe thats popular at the moment,thanks again jason
  16. thanks bud,mines ex and a demo,do you know if the demo fetches more or is there no difference in price ? also has anyone got a current value for the mike james kirkland in ex plus condition please ? jason
  17. hi folks,ive tried using the search feature for info but i dont think it likes me ! how do i know if ive got the original mike james kirkland-give it to me-bryan records ? also if original,whats the going rate on it these days ? also....goldie johnson-this dream-vault demo,whats the currant price on this please ? sure i saw one listed for £100 plus on here recently ? any help appreciated,thanks jason
  18. just pruned mine mike,blimey its a shock sometimes when you read some of the really old ones ! pms about records i bought and forgot i bought em in the first place ! because of this i bought some of them twice, anyway think i got it down to 1 page now jason
  19. that is a great question and one id like to know the answer to too jason ignore that,ive just seen the post !thanks jason
  20. thanks to everyone for the offers but im sorted on this now,cheers jason
  21. pm me please,thank you jason
  22. that is a great post mate,u must have many record hunting stories to tell,could you tell us more please ?not sure which section of site it should go in though,i love this kind of stuff
  23. thanks to everyone for the offers,im sorted for this now folks,cheers jason
  24. cheers bearsy,great tune whichever version people want,quality jason

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