a viewpoint from a different angle if i may please, in the words of the great monty python film....u b*******ds,you lucky lucky ba*******ds,i been reading this thread with interest as i do lots of topics on ss because soul source is my link to the current rare soul scene, i cant go to nighters and soul nights like a lot of u on here and im jealous as f*****k to be honest with you,what i would give to be able to enjoy this scene like many of u on here do ! i went for ten years non stop when i was younger and i absolutely adored it, i think its even better now with all the different styles of soul music being accepted, i love crossover and funky stuff and still respect the oldies but its all enjoyed in my house on ss and with me headphones on when i can relax, some of you dont realise how lucky you are to be living the rare soul dream, i dream about it a lot but rarely live it, from what i read on here the rare soul scene seems to be imploding,i think what im trying to say is i wish i could be a part of this precious scene again and that some people take it for granted,please dont ask me to explain this because im not great at debate and ive just wrote this spontaniously