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arnie j

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Everything posted by arnie j

  1. a viewpoint from a different angle if i may please, in the words of the great monty python film....u b*******ds,you lucky lucky ba*******ds,i been reading this thread with interest as i do lots of topics on ss because soul source is my link to the current rare soul scene, i cant go to nighters and soul nights like a lot of u on here and im jealous as f*****k to be honest with you,what i would give to be able to enjoy this scene like many of u on here do ! i went for ten years non stop when i was younger and i absolutely adored it, i think its even better now with all the different styles of soul music being accepted, i love crossover and funky stuff and still respect the oldies but its all enjoyed in my house on ss and with me headphones on when i can relax, some of you dont realise how lucky you are to be living the rare soul dream, i dream about it a lot but rarely live it, from what i read on here the rare soul scene seems to be imploding,i think what im trying to say is i wish i could be a part of this precious scene again and that some people take it for granted,please dont ask me to explain this because im not great at debate and ive just wrote this spontaniously jason
  2. hi bud,whats a hepcat scene ? what them dudes dress like ? i know jay swan is much desired on the rockabilly scene but i dont know what the hepcatscene is,interested to know,thanks jason
  3. am sorted on these two records now,thanks to everyone for their help and offers jason
  4. thanks steve but ive only got £25 in me paypal so i could do with the issues to be honest bud,if no joy from here i cld get back to you when i got more paypal funds ? jason
  5. thanks very much bud but i would like to buy off here iff possible,sure theres a few on here can sort me out with these,im looking at £20 for the two plus postage,anybody ? jason
  6. hi folks,am lookin for one of these please,can pay by paypal............... also cynthia sheeler-ill cry over you-grapevine 2000,thanks jason
  7. yeah i get the same,must be cos refosoul out of action jason
  8. four tops-ask the lonely/where did you go and admirations-dont leave me, BOTH FOR £13 !!,theres a million dollars of soul in those 3 tunes,brilliant ! jason
  9. hi bud,what happened to the john weirdest and george blackwell pressings mate?they dissapeared ! just wonderin bud,thanks jason
  10. it was the usual stuff bud, frank wilson, snake,queen of fools etc,think the number one may have been out on the floor but cant remember exactly,cheers jason
  11. thanks for the offers and heads up guys but im sorted for this now,sorry,i shldve mentioned earlier that ive got one,cheers jason
  12. whats a fair price on this on the brit label now ? i may let mine go if anyone else wants one jason
  13. hit the nail on the head there bud jason
  14. i cant see it mentioned on here already but its on now,kev roberts and richard searling doin the honours,northern top 20 etc but think i heard they will be playing some rarer stuff later ? it started at 8 and finishes at twelve,just thought id pass this on,thanks jason
  15. gotta be one of the greatest tunes ever,just my opinion of course,each to their own and all that jason
  16. magnetics-lady in green,fookin hate it ! jason
  17. hello again,i missed one of here last week for £12 so was wonderin if anyones got one of these to go,can pay by paypal early next week when my funds have cleared, let me no condition and price please,thanks jason
  18. cant answer question bout origonality but i fookin love this tune,always have,something strong and punchy bout the delivery of the voice,quirky horns,strong message,raw sounding soul funk,love the gritty stuff,great record,if anyone has a real one to sell please pm me jason
  19. thanks for the info bri,much appreciated jason
  20. one more question folks,how do i pay as a "gift" ? so as to avoid fees ? i cant find that option on paypal.thanks jason
  21. arnie j

    Selling Up

    jason-arnold@hotmail.co.uk thanks
  22. hi folks,am selling this in vogue funky dancer for a reduced price of £100,(previously £150)record is ex plus condition,lovely copy,trying to fund a want so gotta let it go,thanks jason
  23. much respect to you and your team mike, we get so much from this site sometimes we forget how much work goes into it jason
  24. evenin all,is this the real artists/song title and what label is ist it on please ? just been listening to a old stafford tape and this came on, forget how bloody good this was, brilliant tune,think guy hennigan played it ?whats the value of said record ? thank you jason
  25. aemons orchestra-bird walking ? always loved this one,bought one years ago for about £15 but i suspest its a boot,red label, i forget the name of the label,great instrumental,ps... the flip is great on this too,look in the want ads ?,and of course one of the greatest instrumental tunes,michigan move,a stafford anthem jason ,

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