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arnie j

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Everything posted by arnie j

  1. bloody great tune bud !nice one jason
  2. tyrone ahley-i want my baby back jason
  3. brilliant group crossover, i managed to get one before the big rush jason
  4. bloody brilliant stafford anthem which is still a cheap record,at least it was when i bought it,incredible when heard LOUD jason
  5. goldie johnson-this dream-vault demo £90,paypal as gift,pm me if interested,thanks for looking,beautiful copy jason
  6. superb vocal on this quality funky ting,lol jason
  7. lol,good one bud jason
  8. https://youtu.be/_u2PY7sbZek absolutely adore this brilliant piece of soul music,still around for a fiverish,sounds a thousand dollars to me,quality jason
  9. https://youtu.be/pyp4mvq3jmE jason
  10. great looking lable too ! jason
  11. jm got the price right and u also had a decent deal in my opinion,great tune but that e bay price is ridiculous,think i paid about £15 for mine a few years ago im pretty sure u can get one for about that now,well you can cos jm got it for sale for £25 you say ! i dont normally comment on e bay threads but its just getting ridiculous on there these days jason
  12. i initially bought this for tother side but i prefer this side now,real classy soul record jason
  13. nice doo woppy dancer,soungs good loud jason
  14. happy memories goin absolutely wild to this,when i was much younger of course lol jason
  15. not strictly northern but ive always sn*****ed at.... james brown-slip the drummer one
  16. https://youtu.be/mySl2H4yM4Q brilliant dancer,i love the ending to this jason
  17. sorry,double post jason
  18. have sent u a pm bud jason
  19. this little beauty off mr bicknell,unfortunately i think hes sent me the man flu virus with it cos i feel like shit today !lol jason
  20. wow ! thats a fookin superb record,thanks for posting,sorry i cant afford it though ! jason
  21. thanks soulboy,i appreciate your help bud but when i viewed it thgis evening someone already bought it ! and i bet they bought it because i put a want up for it,i know i shld have locked the thread but i dont no how,thats why i ask for folks to pm me on my wants,im almost sure one or two on here follow peoples wants and then snap em up before the poster has time to follow up any leads (i been at work all day) its happened to me before on here,never mind though cos its only a cheapie,this is not a dig at you soulboy 1965 as i really do appreciate you takin the time to find the record and give me the heads up on it bud ,so im still after this please if anyones selling one, please PM me only please,thanks jason
  22. deffo del larks
  23. PM me please if you have one to sell,thanks jason

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