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arnie j

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Everything posted by arnie j

  1. Recently re-issued on Fryers - have it !!!!! brilliant tune kev,love it,how much is this on original bud ? jason
  2. https://youtu.be/7_vpltz0zUQ stunning tune,not too cheap but not too expensive either jason
  3. my birthday and christmas present to me jason
  4. beautiful tune,adore those female backing vocals jason
  5. my mistake,apologies to you sir jason
  6. one of me faves ever ! jason
  7. https://youtu.be/JTgNKV6dKDY lovely stuff indeed jason
  8. one of me fave tunes ever,tucked away on a b side jason
  9. hi bud,have a trawl through the "recommended record of the day" thread thats running in the "look at your box" section of the site,theres some great cheap originals on there as well as some of the more expensive items,and as already said,dont be afraid to ask questions on here,people will be pleased to help you, hope u enjoy your collecting bug mate jason
  10. i dont think its the same one bud,think the lance hill is a country and weston load of shite ! terrible record jason
  11. bloody superb and only bout £15-£20 jason
  12. is it this one,brill tune,available on 45 also jason
  13. my womans good to me ? jason
  14. but it was only £20 in your original post ? jason
  15. well worth it mate cos that is superb bud,nice one jason
  16. superb piece of soul music jason
  17. thanks mate,thats superb,the strings are beautiful jason
  18. superb tune,bought one recently myself,been told its a cover but ive never heard the original version,incredible tune loud with good headphones on,i put it on the recommended record thread,cant stop listening to this beauty jason
  19. https://youtu.be/KdL8FB1rZow love this and cheap too jason
  20. im always playing this.......................in my house ! cos its a fookin brilliant soul record,love the guitar work in this,certainly overpriced on that sale though,i paid £30 off pat brady years ago cos i really wanted it in my collection,then came across loads of them for sale for half that price,so i bought another one,to me its a really classy tight tune,like i said,that guitar riff is bang on,i would buy records like this for £15 or £20 all day long if i could afford to,a good B side too makes it even more value for money jason
  21. thanks for that bud,hope youre right, was it on orange rca and didnt it have 2 releases with 2 different b sides or something ? or am i on about "cant help loving you" ? im probably wrong on this but id like to know now anyway,cheers for the reply bud jason
  22. hi bud,how do i tell a original of this ? may have one but dont want to flog someone a boot if they want proper one mate jason

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