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arnie j

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Everything posted by arnie j

  1. i must admit i thought it was gonna be about the "out of the past" record label but that was great,great people too it seemed,thanks for sharing jason
  2. another cracking show,really enjoyed it again,nice one guys and gals jason
  3. totally agree with that mate jason
  4. hi joan ,thanks for that my friend,bloody good tune ! two for the price of one,why oh why do some of the most desirable records have to be so expensive ? ! x jason
  5. well this thread has certainly had some input from all you good soul folk,the reason i asked in the first place was cos i was gonna buy a gold one but wondered why sellers always state gold label,i thought i could get this immense piece of soul on original for about £60 ! how wrong was i ?,im certainly not against buying legal re issues to play at home but not gonna shell out that kind of money for a re issue so thank you all for the info and your input, btw im not closing the thread,carry on if you like,i just wanted to say thanks jason
  6. thanks for the info guys,that scan is the first ive ever saw/heard about a green one,its a huge credit to the people on this site that ive rarely(if ever !)seen a question go unanswered on here,thanks jason
  7. hi folks,seen this for sale many times described as on the gold label(voice) ,im sure its been done on here a few times but i car remember,if done before please point me in the right direction please,is there another colour lable ? slightly different version/mix on other colour/label ? why state gold label ? (brilliant piece of soul music whatever its on !) thanks jason
  8. lol,that was real funny man
  9. i hadnt forgot melly,im deffo tuning in,every tuesday if i can,great stuff,lookin foreward to that jason
  10. no banks"s mild in sedgeley bud ? jason
  11. only just seen this and i couldnt go anyway but nice one for giving everyone the heads up bud,top bloke,amazing really when you think of pat lewis boozing in a pub in sedgeley,the ammount of knowledge she must have about soul music must be incredible,cheers jason
  12. thanks for the info guys,i couldnt afford one to be honest but a superb record none the less,just out of curiosity is the B side any good ?,thanks jason
  13. thanks guys for the info,so how much is one to buy these days ? jason
  14. hello,i just love this record,what label is it on please and how much ? knew it for years and always loved it but my ears have been awoken once again by this beauty,did used to know the answers to my questions but i forgot em as is the norm these days,thanks jason
  15. incredible tune jason
  16. great stuff,thanks,be great to see more of yr vids as you do them bud ? cheers jason
  17. no bud,i dont know how mate,took me ten minuites to manage to work out how to play the show from the link that was put up on here ! lovin the banter on the show too bud jason
  18. first time ive tuned into this show,and to be honest i only did so cos ted "the legend" massey is on and its superb,top quality all the way,will deffo be tuning in again to hear other guests,loving it jason
  19. thanks buddy,sorted now jason
  20. wanted please,pm me,paypal payment,cheers jason
  21. hi mate,long time no see bud ,fookin superb stuff from joan,great soul music all the way,loved it,that vicki styles is incredible ! thanks for that,so wished i could go grumpy soul as i loved spending time with you lot at usos in walsall,loved the previous grumpy soundcloud too ! is it my laptop or are they really low on volume though ? i got everything turned up full but sound volume is still low ? jason
  22. have listened to it all tonight,superb stuff,loved the record talk inbetween the tracks too,thanks guys jason
  23. great choice joan and it was also the first record i loved too ! im sure it was in the film "the warriors",i remember watching the film as a young lad and thinking blimey wat the fook is that tune ! wen it came on,also i remember buying james brown "there was a time" from my local record shop while i was still at school jason
  24. gonna give this a listen tonight when i can chill,seen jordi play a few times and the man never dissapoints,have heard great things bout his brother too so am lookin foreward to listening this evening jason
  25. lovely stuff,bet its amazing loud on a big system jason

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