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arnie j

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Everything posted by arnie j

  1. hhttps://youtu.be/yCrPhDHeI7ci all,record in vg++ condition,i will pay recorded delivery if someone gives me £30 paypal payment for it,thanks jason
  2. thanks bud but whats a nashville matrix look like ? as i said mine has a MR stamp in a circle,this record collecting lark is very very cofusing at times ! jason
  3. firstly let me apologise as i did a search and know this has been done numerous times, BUT im still not sure,it has a MR stamp (?)in a circle in the deadwax and also a arrow on born to love side,other details scratched on (triangle,102278) it has push away from the table on other side,also just noticed SPS19-9009 scratched in too,i may have to sell this and deffo dont want people thinking im dishonest cos i aint,any help appreciated,oh and its styrene (i think),thanks jason
  4. what a brilliant playlist nev,the dogs danglers there bud,phew !! jason
  5. how much was the otto & sensations bud ? great tune jason
  6. lol,good one bud,like i said in my earlier post i didnt know the record,and its fookin superb so im glad i got romantic about the scenario,if i hadnt have fell for it i would never had heard the record,so thanks for the prank bud jason
  7. oh yes,now thats something to tell folks who would understand,nice one ! i have no idea of the tune itself to be honest but the scenario is superb jason
  8. i tried that ted but takes me to quick time player,and when i click save as source nowt happens mate ! would love to download this if poss jason
  9. yeah man that was a superb listening experiance for me,some lovely stuff indeed ! loved it,thanks bud,anyone no how i download it ? i clicked the download button and still cldnt do it ? jason
  10. thanks folks,i like both versions (havent heard a third one) and bought the horns one but i also love the gorgeous string version jason
  11. evening all,there are 2 versions of this ? one with strings and one without,?both on same label ? whats the score please,is there a price difference between the two ? thanks jason
  12. sure there was one of these in sales today bud,might be worth a look,good luck jason
  13. hi harry,really enjoyed yr tunes bud,you played some super records mate,nice one jason
  14. yeah i bought this a few years ago thinking it was the one with the horns but got the one with the pronounced drums,was a bit dissapointed to be honest,wasnt aware that there were two different mixes jason
  15. no probs alison,i still prefer the later linda queen version though jason
  16. sorry nige,only just noticed your post ! thanks for your reply bud,so this was the first version of this song ? linda queen being a later version ? jason
  17. thats the one ! thanks franc and john a,always fookin loved this,is it expensive ? was it a guy h spin ? questions questions,thanks again guys jason
  18. evenin all,its a midtempo stafford tune,pain all he left me was just pain,til his return,my heart will only yearn,with a heart that cant wipe away this pain ??? i used to know cos i asked on here years ago,i will write title,artist down this time though,thanks in advance good people of soul source jason
  19. superb,and the power from those temptations classics is incredible,brilliant stuff jason
  20. yes thanks tabs,hope alls well with you too buddy jason
  21. mfp (music for pleasure album ?) actually this album is lying unsleeved on the grass in my garden as i type ! superb album though jason
  22. and im lookin foreward to listening bud,love this show,the guests are always superb and theres a broad range of styles and sounds and of course the banter is funny too ! jason
  23. sorry,ignore that,ive seen it now jason
  24. me neither and im on me laptop jason
  25. jerry butler is such a superb artist,as they say "he could sing the phonebook and sound brilliant" i adore "ineed to belong" by him jason

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