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arnie j

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Everything posted by arnie j

  1. im comun home in the morning-lou pride jason
  2. am liking this gritty cheapie at the moment jason
  3. great slice of quality soul,does this get played out anymore ? jason
  4. some great tunes posted so far,i love this one too,just right for today as they say and about £15 jason
  5. i tell you what,ive listened to a lot of these download links this evening and they have been truly superb ! incredible tunes from everyone,flanny,chris anderton,paul mckay,tats and bully,and everyone else,honestly this has been an education for me, brilliant,thank you jason
  6. never mind the records,i hope your wife gets better soon mate,must be a worrying time for all of you,please give her my best wishes jason
  7. thanks guys for your help,was told earlier who it was by a member on here via pm,i youtubed them and was pleasantly surprised by some of their other stuff too,thanks again jason
  8. hi,can anyone identify this song please,starts at one minute,first record after the spoken intro to publicise a album,gonna try post the you tube clip now,thanks in advance for any help hope the link works jason
  9. fantastic record to me,i love everything about it,the back beat,those horns ! and the key in which she sings it,its just got that special something,and the fact that its hard to categorise makes it even more appealing to me,quirky and great jason
  10. beverly ann-hes coming home..................i fookin detest this piece of shite ! only my opinion of course jason
  11. im sure it MUST have already been mentioned,but just in case it hasnt........... nf porter-keep on keepin on, superb intro jason
  12. fook me ! that blew me away, thanks for that bud,incredible music jason
  13. hi folks,is this on dubrossard ? or summat like that and how much does it go for these days please ? any help appreciated,thanking you very muchly jason
  14. some nice tunes there bud,enjoyed listening,ad libs-johnny my boy is one of me faves ever,a tracklisting would be good though mate jason
  15. superb stuff jason
  16. https://youtu.be/PcZHPt9OMvs this is one of my fave intros ever, but there are many many more too, jason
  17. man that was funny bud,superb ! jason
  18. [media=] oh man,i think this is fookin brilliant ! funk ? soul ? funky soul ? i dont really care,i love it jason syl johnson-i take care of homework-twinight
  19. bloody brilliant tune,i forgot about this one,like has been said many times in this thread,if its good its good,and to me this is superb,whether funk or soul or funky soul or anything else you want to call it jason
  20. and the memories continue to flood back into my mind,once again thank you chalky jason
  21. this one moves me to tears,incredible tune in my opinion,i understand its not really a dancers tune but blimey its jam packed with soul jason
  22. i love this one,funk,soul,funky soul ? im not really sure but i think its fantastic,btw,that gloria barnes is one of the best tunes i ever heard,remember jordi ripolles playing it at usos,blew me away,lp but released on single too ? (maple ?) i actually think a lot of these funky tunes are extremely soulful in the vocals but thats just my opinion jason
  23. i get confused sometimes with the genres that this scene frets on,is this funky soul ? i think it is and i love it and i love loads more in the same vein,i dont care wat box it has to go in under what description someone wants to give it,i just know that i bloody love it and thats all that matters to me jason
  24. and as for the bellrays ive always loved this one,great tune jason
  25. back to alabama shakes,i prefer this one,they are very much early kings of leon soundalikes zak dingle on guitar too ! jason

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