evening soul folk,now im not talkin about dealers here (obviously) and im also not on about people hitting hard times leaving them with no choice,im also not bothered about rareity and values,im on about letting some things go when you really dont have to,i just recently sold a record on here,admittedly to pay a small bill,but i know i couldve found another way of paying that bill without selling a record and immediately i was sad about it ! i think im a bit of a hoarder when it comes to records, tonight i have bought another record to take away a bit of the sorrow lol, i know its all about the collector in me (ooo"er missus) but i was wondering what others think so decided to start this light hearted thread,so do you find it easy to sell some of your records when you dont have to ?
by the way im listening to chris andertons show whilst typing this and its making me wanna buy more records (superb show by the way !)
also theres some records i would never ever sell and these are the handfull ive been given as gifts from people on here (you know who you are you wonderful people),i would only sell those ones if the person who gave it me needed money,bloody hell ive never typed so much !