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arnie j

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Everything posted by arnie j

  1. Have been going through some of the Dig Deeper archive, including some video from Lou Pride's performance on July 23, 2011, at our 3rd anniversary. The ballad "You were never mine" broke our hearts at the time, and is all the more poignant now. We miss you, Lou thats beautiful,thanks for posting jason
  2. theres loads of great channels on there,john manships channel is great and also chunkys choons,loads more but i cant remember the names ! mark freeman has a great oldies channel,keep browsing and you will find loads bud jason
  3. thanks to everyone for the offers but im now sorted for this record,cheers jason
  4. joe simon-just like yesterday-irral .....hi all,am looking for a nice condition copy of this please,please PM me if u have one to sell with price and condition please,thanks jason
  5. thanks guys for your help,ive listened to both label variations (the two irral labels) and i think one was very slightly different,one sounded a little bit flatter if u get my drift ? but i could very well be wrong on that,im hoping someone will have a defininate answer,i listened to both on youtube by the way jason
  6. just gave it a listen kev,deffo one for the mods bud,can anyone tell me if the two releases on irral are exactly the same cuts please ? and which release is the original, irral with band credited,irral without band credited or dot ? jason
  7. is there any difference in these two variations ? or are they exactly the same records but with different credits on the label ? i need to know please folks,thanks jason
  8. thanks bud,any realistic prices on these anybody ? jason
  9. ricky allen-cut you loose-tamboo joe simon-just like yesterday-irral .........hello all,isnt there 2 versions of cut you loose ? one called cut you a loose ? or summat,am i right in thinking it has a £400ish price tag ? and how much is the joe simon on irral please ? i was reminded of this superb tune again on chalkys fantastic stafford podcasts ,any help or info appreciated,thanks for yr time jason
  10. as has already been said they are two great records in their own right,im not saying i like this mash up but the poster made the two records fit together quite well and must have took a fair bit of time to get it right so i applaud the poster for his time and effort,although its not really my thing to be honest jason
  11. i fookin love this,bit of a funky one with great guitar riff and horns,its the other side of take me back so should only be bout a tenner(thats what i paid anyhow),reckon it would sound superb on a big system,not sure if anyone plays it cos i dont go out anywhere,perhaps not everyones cup of tea but im hooked on that guitar riff ! jason
  12. listening to it now pete and its superb bud,theres a whole lot of soul in them reggae tunes bud,nice one pete jason
  13. THE STUNNERS-NOBODY BUT ME............ :wub: jason
  14. so its definately tornados as opposed to tsu toronados ? or are these two different groups ? confused.com jason
  15. recent buys...................... big ella-it takes a lot of loving-lo lo lovations-i dont want you-cap city monclairs-wait for me-sunburst lee williams-i can make mistakes too ethics-sad sad story runette roberts-she didnt know freddie & sounds of soul-cant break away from you ......couple more but i cant remember wat they are ! .....jason
  16. two lonely people is one of the greatest songs ever made in my opinion,emotional stuff jason
  17. fantastic again chalky,thank you jason
  18. great stuff mike,top man jason
  19. yeah thats a cool tune,is it rare ? expensive etc ? jason
  20. 5K ??!!! thats bloody terrible,the guitar thing is horrendous (to me)even without the awful guitar and in mint condition would someone really pay 5 thousand pounds for it ? ive just received a record i paid £20 for and i wouldnt swap it for that,sorry but its just my opinion(and i know that doesnt count for much)it just proves that sometimes rarity means more than quality jason
  21. thanks for the info bud jason
  22. fantastic stuff ! whats the tune on 2 mins 57 secs please ? and the one on 7 mins 20 secs,also please,in fact any info on any of the artists is appreciated,thanks jason
  23. a soul scene quote............ when asked by a film crew where he gets his energy from to dance all night,my mate pickle(rip) replied..........i buy it from him over there ! jason

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