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Nth Soul Old Boy

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Everything posted by Nth Soul Old Boy

  1. Judging dancing is mostly subjective. The dancing style I enjoy watching, isn't the same as the next person. While I appreciate the odd gymnastic trick, it is the dancing in between the tricks that I enjoy. Probably due to being too creaky to do the tricks myself. Personally, If I wanted to see mostly gymnastic dancing, I'd watch Break Dancing. In common with other posts, dance competitions just interfere with dancing yourself.
  2. Getting the train back from Wigan Winter '73 to Chester and not being sure if we had to change at Crewe or Runcorn. Chose unwisely, next stop was Stafford. Ended up further from home than when we started. Not the best start to Sunday when you have danced all night without the aid of funny pills. Yes, despite media reports to the contrary not everyone was off their heads on drugs. I was probably just very naive back in the day, but I never saw any drugs. I suppose if you aren't part of that scene, it isn't noticed. I smoked the odd roll-up cigarette, for a short time in my 20's, it always had me had me scratching my head why "Bouncers" in clubs were all ways asking me what I was smoking. Why were they so interested in my tobacco brand. It was years before it dawned on me they thought I was smoking Pot. Like I said "NAIVE"

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