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Soul Salad

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Everything posted by Soul Salad

  1. For some its finding/buying that rare elusive record, others it's about completing their collections/trophy valuable record but for me it's really purely for the music not fussed if its vinyl or a reissue as long as the music is "authentic". But......................................i have and will buy the very odd expensive record that means a lot to me and yes, it does have to be original but i don't really have the funds tbh. Last big ticket item i brought was about 3 years ago, was Alex Brown Not responsible - think I'm still paying it off but 99.9% of my collection are reissues/cheapies, but no need for me to play them as i can find them on Youtube! My next purchase when i have the funds and "if" i can find one will be Ray Pollard This time a favourite for a long time, i have a boot/reissue but again, for me aspire to own the original - one day.... Yes i have a record player
  2. I'm very fickle really, my all-time top ten are never valid for more than about 6 months plus every single week i discover something new to me, there is so much out there and for a semi novice like me I've yet to discover a VAST amount - it simply can't stop, there is too much. There are a couple of great weekly contributors, Zanetti with the JM results and "Chalky" (Karl) with the fantastic pod casts. So once a week I'm going to post my new song that I've never ever heard but I've become utterly obsessed with for one reason or another. There is ALWAYS one and sometimes there are two EVERY SINGLE WEEK! When i become obsessed i can quite happily play on a loop for an hour every day.....................................................................................and as i must collect my daughter from work 5 days a week at 11.00 pm i really don't get a chance to get out much I'm going to do this weekly, if nobody participates then that's fine, but if you do that's great. This can run for 10 years or 10 days/hours - Who knows but i know when to give up and stop. This week i have 2 to kick off with, I'm sure "old" news to most of you oracles out there but to me brand new and fantastic. They are unbelievably and coincidentally "both" are by the same group? 1.The Hy-tones - Good News 2.The Hy-tones - You don't even know my name Sorry forgotten how to upload a sample from YouTube. Best Dax PS Hope I'm in the right place? PPS Hate to umbrella but i will. MUST be Northern/modern/Low rider/Dancers/Disco/Funk/Mod even Jazz
  3. PS Just one more thing. If that "awful" record you just heard had been a recent vault find of a one-off acetate from 1968 or so ie Rays brother ie Lionel Pollard or whatever, i reckon opinions of the singer and the song would be vastly different?
  4. Could have been worse though, Frank Wilson's do i love you? - That may have easily become the Christmas no 1 PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME ABUSE, JUST MY THOUGHTS.
  5. Hi all Pure obsessive determination and I've found the song (just if anyone's interested) - it was in fact Guilty by The Symphonics - i don't think my description helped! Anyway thanks. Do i click on solved by myself?
  6. I just use my finger!
  7. Both Happy feet and Two shoes (not your real names) a big THANKYOU for those bits, they will keep me well and truly occupied for a good while and were truly much appreciated - "SAVE THE CASSETTE!!"
  8. Dear all, Looking for a song, title could be "guilty of loving you baby". I really hate to compare but it does have an "essence" of Mello souls about it ie the banging Motown type dance drum beat through it then settles down then comes back etc etc. If its Motown i don't recognise the male voice at all plus if it were Motown I'm sure i would know it, Must admit not usually what I'd go for, there are many songs with that title so having trawled through all of them I'm at a loss = about 15!. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks all
  9. Funnily enough a couple of years ago i had a chat with a guy in a beautiful1960s Porsche 911 - i asked him what on earth the set up was in his car. He said oh they're 8 track cassettes, He said it was dreadful but the "stereo" was original to his car, so he scoured the internet for them, he had about 20. Before that I'd never heard of them. This is way off track now - I'm talking about cars.............................................sorry.
  10. I purely and simply want them to play in the car as i really don't want to part with the stereo as it's a top end one from about 1982. For me personally it's the nostalgia, just like driving the car, it just for me feels more authentic/the cars history. I can't personally say what the current tape trend is, I'm guessing like myself nostalgic value for others? I can't really think of anything else either. Tapes/broken tapes/recording tapes/rewinding/the hiss etc are all part of it and it was a huge part of my life for well over a decade when i was in the prime of my youth. I can't honestly say they are a "pleasure"? - They were and still are highly irritating in every single way possible, but it doesn't bother me for those times while I'm driving. I hated CDs too but had plenty let's face it the only real and pure form of collecting music has always been and will always be vinyl and unless i am mistaken the vinyl produced since inception surely must far outweigh every other musical format. So to answer your question, I'm not sure i get it either?
  11. I've been hunting what i consider "good" albums on cassette from the usual suspects and cant find that many but happy to have found Khemistry (imo a good album) on Discogs but after p/p/tax etc it's going to be a £60 cassette tape? - Thats about vinyl value isnt it? and as I'm sure there are very few cassette "collectors" and far less so soul wise, that's steep i think, who will ever buy that except me? The bitter sweet!.
  12. That does look quite cool to me and "appears" well designed/made - i think that's a reasonable asking price, especially as i can't see them flying off the shelves but you never know?
  13. But in that "small" list out of those are still 47 C/Us - not counting or anything
  14. Hi BazM I don't know it, probably a cracker though, i do though have a general question re C/Us. No doubt C/Us are intriguing and mysterious but why bother? if a record is proven to be so rare and so unobtainable surely there's no need to cover it up? It "implies" to me that its obtainable "if" you can find out the artist/name etc or is this not really the point/case of a C/U?.
  15. To answer the original post/question from 2007, i think his fantastic record collection is simply down to a case of too much lovemaking.
  16. I met him once at a record fair, to boot he was a lovely guy to chat with, took time with me and my complete lack of any knowledge whatsoever- in no way belittling or patronizing just helpful, patient and passionate about the records. But...............................................................i only noticed he blinked once but I'm positive he did blink vertically?
  17. If you are Karl, it was you - don't be embarrassed! - it was a great podcast and a fantastic new to me record! Thanks for that any help much appreciated, anyway I've asked hmv to send me an email stating I'm after Lou Courtney, some early impressions stuff Sam Dees etc on cassette - but they haven't got back to me as yet?
  18. Not naive, just i wasn't there and suppose i never really thought much happened until the rave scene. To me i thought the collecting and actual music negated the need for drugs? while in the late 80s/90s listening to banging dance music you almost "needed" something. Yep, my ones were certainly hallucinogenic the first few time were great, the 2nd wasn't - hence that was it for me. To add the next day you felt absolutely depressed and dreadful - you almost wanted to die
  19. Well i never, as they say you learn something......................I presume "most" folks' drunk alcohol though?
  20. WOW i never knew pharmaceutical highs were such a big part of the Northern scene back then. I'm not young by any stretch but i certainly wasn't around in those days. Sounds like the original Acid House/rave scene in the late 80s/90s albeit more under cover? What illicit stuff was around back then? I dabbled a bit then once i awoke in my bedroom full of massive spiders crawling all over the place - that was the last time, then i grew up and had children. PS Are we allowed to talk about this on a reputable music forum?
  21. But who? because i really can't find anything. PS while you're here thanks for introduction to me of Oscar Perry He sent me you, im sure it was your good self who played it on one of your podcasts? - been in my top 10 for a good while now - great record! .
  22. Thanks Happyfeet That would be great, i didn't even know a tape splice existed? - I'm pretty sure i won't ever use it as i have sellotape and scissors - but its a super cool object to have anyway.
  23. Thanks Chalky i knew it existed!, i couldnt find it? - yes that would be a great start - none for sale though
  24. Well Happy Feet that would be fantastic - There was a Fisher price cassette deck for sale on here somewhere a few days ago

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