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Soul Salad

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Everything posted by Soul Salad

  1. Gator records (looks more like a dinosaur though)
  2. You are really living the good life although i think "most" would agree a Cadburys 99 Ice cream cone is technically not a common breakfast?
  3. And Jevert Music (0wl records)
  4. My wife asked what i was having for tea tonight. I replied, "just fancy bacon and eggs i think". She replied in her thick Belfast accent "You must be joking? that's breakfast! What a waste, you're a weirdo" Does anybody else have breakfast at night for Tea? sometimes i have Weetabix or a cereal of some sorts - i thought this was a common thing. Am i a weirdo?
  5. Just to quote myself it was just a general thing about why certain records are ALAWAYS trophy records, others aren't? - not arguing with anyone though
  6. Correct, probably but again, i was never around back then - it must've just been a Southern thing
  7. Why exactly is Love Slave so revered? - it is no doubt a GREAT record but there are many better/equal records than Love slave (IMO) possibly rarer too, there was SPG too for a while in the late 80s - OK not so rare but was everybody favourite record for a good while after it being first played, obviously Mello souls ect etc. Is it because certain records just seem to carry that "buzz" way after their discovery ie the x factor? not for any particular single reason whereas some records just seem to fizzle out or stop being played. Off track slightly but would SPG reach such dizzying heights on a JM auction now? or is it one that's just fizzled out over time as nobody plays it out - curious that's all. D
  8. Going up to Crazy beat in Upminster armed with some dosh and Mr GD playing me an absolutely- amazingly fantastic 7" on a loop. I asked what it was, he said i can't tell you unless you buy it, its £1000. The most id ever spent on a record at that time was about £200, this was about 25 years ago. I never got to find out what it was, but this was my very first introduction ever to a cover up - never heard of them before this. Leaving without knowing what it was traumatic and frustrating.
  9. Heard the Mayberry on original release then listened to the Anderson Bros. To my novice ears the Mayberry is far far superior, no comparison in my opinion, but then it's all subjective and that's the fun - i see plenty of you throwing eggs and other much worse stuff at me. Sometimes though it just depends on what you heard first.
  10. LOL Thanks Mike, yes i did indeed miss the point. LOL and LOL - well luckily i did say the drifter sounded OK, proved my point then abt authenticity!!. Quite like it now.
  11. You have a very valid point. After that recent drifter cover, personally as a "singer/song" it was OK i thought not AI of course but agree, it's just not "authentic". A white guy in the year 2023 who may live in Putney (no disrespect to Putney) cannot record a record like that it just doesn't work. It's not "authentic" and not "believable" and its fake emotion. Unfortunately, 99.99% of the world have never heard of Ray Pollard let alone his Drifter - still not sure why they decided to cover that one anyway - was it the singers choice? Pointless doing a cover anyway unless it betters the original, unfortunately it does sometimes work and Joe Public buys into it. Hey I'm talking about covers? this post is about AI?
  12. Thought so Thanks
  13. Hi Just wanted some thoughts on AI (Artificial Intelligence) and where this will all go with music - I just heard Song 2 by Oasis?? plus the Beatles "new" one and the technology is out there to write a song produce a song add "anybody's" lyrics to it add whatever instruments you want to it, then listen - you have pretty much the perfect song which you have asked it to produce for you. If (which i don't) have the software i can produce a perfect new NS record using the voice of say anyone ie Yvonne Baker - it can also be manipulated to "sound" like it was recorded in the 60s, then i could transfer it to vinyl and flog it as an unissued acetate from 1965 on ebay!!!!! (or JM) This is all too incredible but could this at some point be the end of the recording artist as we know it? - I heard rumours that even Watermelon high by Harry Stiles was written by a software program. Scary stuff and just keen on people's thoughts Thanks PS Doesn't really change anything regarding record collecting but it does change the future of music. PPS Should this post be in media?
  14. This turned into a great little post, thought i was a JB Guru - NOPE just slightly off track, but just had to add that THE very record that kick started my love for soul/JB then onto all the other "umbrellas" was Message by Myra or Vicki (whatever her real name was). That single record for me was one of life's turning points. Anyway that doesn't really have anything to do with this Marva Whitney discussion.
  15. Sounds a bit Vicki Anderson too - sort of both ?, in no way am i disputing it, it's truly a great record and big Thank you for posting that
  16. WOW What a cracking tune WOW What a cracking tune, is it Marva though sort of sounds like her and other bits don't? -doesnt matter anyway to me, it's fantastic!
  17. Thanks Mal, Fantastic!! - Never came across either of these! - Thats what you get if you "presume" these artists only recorded for one label like i did.
  18. Thanks Alan Thought it must have been. Yes Connies version i do like, but for me its Marvas over that, no reason other than its the first one i heard
  19. Go on please post? - would love to hear it!
  20. Just a quick thing, but firstly i vote the name "Marva Whitney" to be the coolest name out there for a soul Diva. I used to be a JB fanatic along with all his funky people and had not all (nearly impossible) but a huge amount of JB produced vinyl at one point. Anyway just wanted to know any thoughts whatsoever on "ball of Fire" by Mrs Whitney - I've always loved this record and brought the 7" a couple of decades back but only for the other side, don't think i ever listened to this until a few months back. Reading between the lines it appears to be a relatively known record amongst the soul fraternity? but was this ever played out/on a radio DJ set?, or never simply because it's a common and dirt-cheap? how do people rate it as a NS tune? Any stories/thoughts of this just for interest or are my ears broken? and it's actually a crap song and I'm the only one that rates it on this forum? - Negative comments will NOT offend me! D PS Not JB produced and not on her fantastic (still) LP IMO
  21. WOW some list!!, Aren't Reggae acts known for that as the labels are so tiny (obviously not to that extent), Big hat off to DJMelisimo for even compiling that list- BTW Are you "certain" you haven't missed any out?
  22. Thanks Karl That looks great. again, looking at some of those DJ track listings, i reckon I'm familiar with about 5% - but then that's fantastic news for me!
  23. PS One of my discoveries was Stevens & Foster - right up my street but for some mysterious reason never ever heard this stone-cold old time classic until about a year ago, i don't know why? - And I'm NOT embarrassed
  24. Dear All, The responses are great, thankyou but........................I still am intrigued to know your current favourites that you've never ever heard before but feel you should have or wondered how they managed to escape you?

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