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Soul Salad

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Everything posted by Soul Salad

  1. Don't recognize it at all - never ever heard it. like it, but sounds relatively modern/new to me though, not sure it has much age
  2. Bobby Reed - Time is right for Love Charlene and Soul Serenaders - You can win
  3. Had to laugh Still diggin, Harold Melvin especially "Get out" is the opposite of what i think the posters thread question was, Both great songs though
  4. Anyone fancy re compiling a top ten list? ie new additions/subtractions/new ones/outliers Dax
  5. Thanks smudger Yep "almost" put Mayfield at no1 but didn't. Sam dees yes should be there. Mitchell completely slipped my mind - I'm off to research Mr Mitchell.
  6. Yes thanks Woodbutcher, But its nice for other/newer soulies to get involved with the posts, quite a lot of the threads on here a "way" beyond my knowledge and only really the gurus or the experts can really get involved which of course is great (I've learnt tonnes ), but my posts are simply to try and engage a wider range of folk on the forum to join in - it was a general question and Christmas is coming!. Dax PS I Don't use Facebook
  7. Ha ha Thanks for the replies, Guys Completely forgot Toussaint Porter/Hayes! Wylie/Hestor - of course they should be there (maybe a top 20 then) As for Terry and Ragavoy - i see what you mean but I'm a bit bias for those two purely for the quality of songs they did write, plus i forgot Ragavoy didn't write the Lou Courtney songs. As for Bacharach, yes great song writing and was floating around for my list but was there enough NS stuff for the list? Gamble/Huff on my list
  8. Ha ha Sorry meant I found another love
  9. The incredibles - I want to thankyou
  10. Definitely Ordinary Joe - Good call Great intro!
  11. Jerry Blackshear - You are the one
  12. Dee Dee Sharpe - What kind of lady, just sublime
  13. Now i thought this would make an interesting topic and I was disappointed that i only received only "ONE" solitary comment. And that comment was Mike from admin editing the title.................................... Am i delusional?
  14. Hi Owd Codger, Not at all?, i did PM you and of course i want to take you up on you really kind offer, i "thought" you would post to me as you have my address then i was going to pay the p and p - but we all have different ways of doing things. What I've done with a couple of others is a small donation to a food bank simply because i do this every year anyway and you good folks haven't asked for any money to change hands. So of course i would love them and i truly appreciate your offer. If you PM me your bank details i will make payment later today after work (if you still have them of course?) Thanks again Dax
  15. 1. Mike Terry 2.Van McCoy 3. Curtis Mayfield 4. Jerry Ragavoy 5. Nick Ashford 6. Stevie Wonder (or is he more pop?) 7. Marvin Gaye 8. Holland Dozier Holland 9. Thom Bell 10. Barrett Strong 11. J Armstead 10. Gamble and Huff It's probably too late to change as its now "official" but any thoughts to add would be great - quite subjective too .
  16. I Just wanted to share my amazingly good news in that i found Ace Spectrum Album on cassette for my car! - Incredibly happy Dax
  17. Gosh of course M Terry, J Ragavoy T Bell etc - yep maybe a top 10 Soul songwriters of all time, that'll be a different post though. Anyone?
  18. Obviously that would be super helpful!! - like Geeselad says some of those lines sound familiar to me too.
  19. After having a good look at Rolling Stones 100 all time songwriters. Interesting reading and "fairly" spot on (Ish) i thought, of course Lennon/McCartney were number one (most would agree?). Included are M Gaye, C Mayfield, N Whitfield/B Strong Holland Dozier Holland, JB I Hayes amongst a few others. But.................................................................Missed out Van McCoy? and Ashford and Simpson? (How?) I couldn't think of any others that stick off the top of my head except the above so any other great songwriters you feel should have been in their top 100? Just for fun or Dax PS Of course their top100 songwriter list must be based on chart success
  20. Reply to self - OK just found it on Suncut 2018 - didn't even know about that one? - presuming that is NOT a boot, that'll do me for now Thanks Dax
  21. OK, that's an expensive boot, seen one at £200 - think i may just play it via Youtube until a "real" one turns up (and i can afford it). Thankyou Mr Pinch
  22. Just a quick one Pages Heartaches and Pain On my small list of original wants - been a good few years now I know it's been discussed before on SS but any update since on the "other" one. Ie is it a boot or a legit reissue? - If a boot, how much should this record be exactly or roughly? and does anyone know how it plays? thanks Dax
  23. GoodYou are a bad influence - although i did finish off my daughter's trifle from Sunday at 4.00 this AM - felt a bit sick today though
  24. I was really into my rare groove stuff mid 80s - early 90s. But I don't recognise that at all? Was it male vocal/mid tempo/era of said record? Was it soul/ jazzy/ funk? Rare groove covered quite alot of genres/ title guess?

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