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Soul Salad

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Everything posted by Soul Salad

  1. Have to say Not his greatest fan but........... Omar's cover of Golden Brown is just wonderful - couldn't find it on You Tube though.
  2. PS and a fantastic more soulful cover of All along the watchtower by H B Barnum but can't seem to find it anywhere.
  3. Mines goanna be really unpopular for some but for "me" a better version Mayberry Movement - I can see him making love to you (presuming recording date was after 1974?)
  4. Brown Sugar - The Game is Over/I'm Going through changes - Both great sides!
  5. I am actually dyslexic - i can write fairly well but sometimes reading is a problem as i have to compartmentalise or breakdown questions into specific elements. Hence "Are carvers bootlegs?" was to me a question - I will be extra careful, but only trying to help
  6. I'm no expert LOL but my understanding: Bootleg = Normally done in quantity to make a quick buck and normally there to deceive the record buyer. Royalties not paid. Carver = very little quantity, sometimes one or two done for family/friends, usually a white label and often single sided, don't think royalties need to be paid? Don't think a carver is illegal as generally for private use (family and friends), whereas a boot is illegal.
  7. Wish I'd written this - Youve hit the nail right on the head perfectly - just when you think it'll be a short 2 min record it comes right back at you again and smacks you right in the face, almost a pt 1 and pt2.
  8. Never heard this, Agree that intro is wonderful - wasn't expecting that song afterwards
  9. I will certainly give you my feedback once I've read all - i should've just ordered them myself. PS Ive read some really strange (but classic) books this year - JAWS, The Fog, Weave world and re-read Da Vinci code LOL and The beach LOL
  10. I've asked for all 3 on my Christmas list - if i don't do a Christmas list i won't get anything.
  11. Del larks utterly fantastic but in the lead? - MUST be the anticipation of what's to come, surely that can't win on "just" the intro, can it? If it wins, then surely just voting for the song. Anyway what do i know. Great work Mal C.
  12. Original thread, way off track now but its great (in a FUN way) and not in any way to cause a commotion, but...................... Don Gardner (for me) is average at best? - Its not bad at all but truly i find it quite bland. "If" I'd been there at the time this was discovered and played then my opinion could have been a whole lot different. It's never really "just" about the song is it? - it's the whole package i.e. where/when you first heard it/in what context/friends you were with etc etc.
  13. WOW, new to me - defo on my Christmas list!
  14. "Jackie" Kay - on my Christmas list
  15. Gosh Dave, books are for trying to get away from music - you don't want a book about music? LOL sounds intriguing though so I'm looking it up as we speak Dax
  16. LOL no Magic carpet by JH - said he's new to me. Before them re-read Weaveworld by Clive Barker - 9/10 fantastic escapism. Magic carpet by JH doesn't exist so 0/10
  17. Going through a few old James Herbert books- newish to me bit of a UK Stephen King but not too OTT fiction wise. Read this week Magic Cottage - 7/10, the magic carpet - 6/10, Secret of Crickley Hall - Not to bad halfway through maybe a 7/10.
  18. LOL That was the irony
  19. An instrumental and very long intro
  20. Doesn't happen often, but I'm speechless....................................................Far too many questions going around in my head so i really won't bother. But what a captivating fascinating and amazing thread - Mind Blown
  21. Seriously there's just no point sometimes - i don't know your wife but to me she just appears to be a bit ungrateful, spoilt perhaps?
  22. Would've been OK Ish if i lived in the country but i live on the seafront in Eastbourne - No sheep/No cows - actually we did go on a very lovely holiday once to Ayrshire and visited a sheep sanctuary no less - a sheep breed calendar would've been a "slightly" better gift
  23. Love your posts Mal, always relevant, but............................................................................................................... I think my ears are definitely broken? - Not a bad record ie good voice/good production/mildly catchy etc just does not do a single thing for me? - IMO nowhere even close to MSs, as i feel this topic has turned/turning into "Records that are better and a lot lot cheaper than MSs" Just to add slightly off track, some of these rarities/trophy records were probably a lot more "special" and meant a lot more before You-tube etc - for me, never had to travel 200 miles to an event just to hear a particular record.

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